Riesz sequence

Riesz sequence

In mathematics, a sequence of vectors ("x""n") in a Hilbert space ("H", ⟨ , ⟩) is called a Riesz sequence if there exist constants 0 such that

: cleft( sum_n | a_n|^2 ight) leq leftVert sum_n a_n x_n ightVert^2 leq C left( sum_n | a_n|^2 ight)

for all sequences of scalars ("a""n") in the "p" space 2. A Riesz sequence is called a Riesz basis if

:overline{mathop{ m span} (x_n)} = H .


If "H" is a finite-dimensional space, then every basis of "H" is a Riesz basis.

Let "φ" be in the "L""p" space "L"2(R), let

:phi_n(x) = phi(x-n)

and let hat{varphi} denote the Fourier transform of "φ". Define constants "c" and "C" with 0. Then the following are equivalent:

:1. quad forall (a_n) in ell^2, cleft( sum_n | a_n|^2 ight) leq leftVert sum_n a_n varphi_n ightVert^2 leq C left( sum_n | a_n|^2 ight)

:2. quad cleqsum_{n}left|hat{varphi}(omega + 2pi n) ight|^2leq C

The first of the above conditions is the definition for ("φ""n") to form a Riesz basis for the space it spans.

ee also

* Orthonormal basis
* Hilbert space
* Frame of a vector space


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