human growth hormone — n the naturally occurring growth hormone of humans or a recombinant version that is used to treat children with growth hormone deficiencies and has been used esp. by athletes to increase muscle mass abbr. HGH see somatropin * * * (hGH) see growth … Medical dictionary
human growth hormone — human growth hormones N VAR Human growth hormone is a hormone that is used to help short people, especially short children, to grow taller. The abbreviation HGH is also used … English dictionary
human growth hormone — ☆ human growth hormone n. GROWTH HORMONE (sense 1) … English World dictionary
human growth hormone — noun a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland; promotes growth in humans • Syn: ↑somatotropin, ↑somatotrophin, ↑somatotropic hormone, ↑somatotrophic hormone, ↑STH, ↑growth hormone • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Human growth hormone — Somatotropin Strukturmodell des Somatotropin nach Kristallstruktur.[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
human growth hormone — noun Date: 1960 the naturally occurring growth hormone of humans or a genetically engineered form that is used to treat children with growth hormone deficiencies and has been used especially by athletes to increase muscle mass … New Collegiate Dictionary
human growth hormone — noun 1. a growth hormone produced in the pituitary gland of humans. 2. a synthetic form of this hormone developed for use in the treatment of growth disorders or to combat the effects of old age. Abbrev.: HGH …
human growth hormone — hu′man growth′ hor mone n. biochem. somatotropin Abbr.: hGH • Etymology: 1970–75 … From formal English to slang
human growth hormone — Abbreviation: hGH See: growth hormone … Glossary of Biotechnology
human growth hormone — Biochem. somatotropin. Abbr.: hGH [1970 75] * * * … Universalium