

Plush (from French _fr. "peluche") is a textile having a cut nap or pile the same as fustian or velvet. Originally the pile of plush consisted of mohair or worsted yarn, but now silk by itself or with a cotton backing is used for plush, the distinction from velvet being found in the longer and less dense pile of plush. The material is largely used for upholstery and furniture purposes, and is also much employed in dress and millinery.

Modern plush is commonly manufactured from synthetic fibres such as polyester. It is one of the number one areas to make toys. Small stuffed animals made from plush fabric, such as teddy bears, are known as plushies. The French term for "teddy bear" is _fr. "ours en peluche" [ [ _fr. "L'ours en peluche"] fr icon] . Large volume production of plush products occurred in California starting in the 1980s with companies such as Applause and Dakin.

Plush has also been used as one of the main materials out which designer toys are made. For example, Friends With You have released plush designer toys.

ee also

* Stuffed animal



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  • Plush — Plush, n. [F. pluche, peluche (cf. It. peluzzo), fr. L. pilus hair. See {pile} hair, and cf. {Peruke}.] A textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, longer and softer than the nap of velvet. Cowper. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plush — Single par Stone Temple Pilots extrait de l’album Core Sortie 1993 Enregistrement 1992 Durée 5:13 Genre Grunge …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • plush — ► NOUN ▪ a rich fabric of silk, cotton, or wool, with a long, soft nap. ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ expensively luxurious. DERIVATIVES plushy adjective. ORIGIN obsolete French pluche, from Latin pilus hair …   English terms dictionary

  • plush — {{11}}plush (adj.) swank, luxurious, 1927, from PLUSH (Cf. plush) (n.). Plushy in this sense is recorded from 1923. Related: Plushness. {{12}}plush (n.) soft fabric, 1590s, from M.Fr. pluche shag, plush, contraction of peluche hairy fabric, from… …   Etymology dictionary

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