- The Unmentionables
"The Unmentionables" is a
1963 animated short film in theMerrie Melodies series produced by Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. It featuresBugs Bunny withRocky and Mugsy (in their final appearance), and spoofs "The Untouchables", a popular television crime drama. The title is also a synonym for "underwear". Bugs takes on the role of crime fighter Elegant Mess (a reference toEliot Ness ). To design this cartoon, directorFriz Freleng and his team studied the works ofJohn Held Jr. Censorship
*On the syndicated "Merrie Melodies" show, the two times Rocky gets shot (one where Bugs uses his carrot as a gun and the other time when Rocky, Bugs, and Mugsy are in the food processing plant) were cut.
*The WB version of this cartoon cut the part in the beginning (showing the 1920s as a time of swinging jazz, flappers, and criminal activity) where a man runs into a telephone booth to report a crime to the operator and is told to wait. Immediately after, the man and the phone booth are shot in half by offscreen gunfire and the operator says, "I'm sorry, you've been disconnected."Crew
*Story: John Dunn
*Animation:Gerry Chiniquy , Virgil Ross,Bob Matz , Lee Halpern,Art Leonardi
*Layouts:Hawley Pratt
*Backgrounds:Tom O'Loughlin
*Film Editor:Treg Brown
*Voice Characterizations:Mel Blanc ,Ralph James
*Music: Bill Lava
*Director:Friz Freleng External links
* [http://www.bcdb.com/bcdb/detailed.cgi?film=70 The Unmentionables at The Big Cartoon Database]
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