Padma Bhushan

Padma Bhushan

Infobox Indian Awards
awardname = Padma Bhushan

type = Civilian
category = General
instituted = 1954
firstawarded = 1954
lastawarded = 2008
total = 1003
awardedby = Govt. of India
cashaward =
description =
previousnames =
obverse =
reverse =
ribbon =
firstawardees =
lastawardees =
precededby = Padma Vibhushan
followedby = Padma Shri
The Padma Bhushan award is an Indian civilian decoration established on January 2, 1954 by the President of India. It stands third in the hierarchy of civilian awards, after the Bharat Ratna and the Padma Vibhushan, but comes before the Padma Sri. It is awarded to recognize distinguished service of a high order to the nation, in any field.

List of Awardees

As of 1-Feb-2008, 1003 people have received the award. [ [ National Portal of India : My India, My Pride : Padma Vibhushan Award ] ]


















External links

* [ Padma Bhushan Awardees]
* [ Ministry of Home Affairs, (Public Padma Awards Directory (1954-2007)]

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