Mitigating control (financial auditing) — A mitigating control is type of control used in auditing to discover and prevent mistakes that may lead to uncorrected and/or unrecorded misstatements that would generally be related to control deficiencies. For example, a trader may fail to… … Wikipedia
SOX 404 top-down risk assessment — In financial auditing of public companies in the United States, SOX 404 top down risk assessment (TDRA) is a financial risk assessment performed to comply with Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX 404). The term is used by the U.S.… … Wikipedia
Information technology audit process — Information technology audit process:Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)In 1947, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) adopted GAAS to establish standards for audits. The standards cover the following three… … Wikipedia
Fraud deterrence — has gained public recognition and spotlight since the 2002 inception of the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Of the many reforms enacted through Sarbanes Oxley, one major goal was to regain public confidence in the reliability of financial markets in the wake … Wikipedia
Securinfo — is a software company that was formed in 1994 that is headquartered near Johannesburg South Africa in Midrand. Securinfo primarily develops and licenses information security methods and associated application software, with a focus on SAP… … Wikipedia
nuclear reactor — Physics. reactor (def. 4). Also called nuclear pile. [1940 45] * * * Device that can initiate and control a self sustaining series of nuclear fission reactions. Neutrons released in one fission reaction may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them … Universalium
Climate change mitigation — Fossil fuel related CO2 emissions compared to five of IPCC s emissions scenarios. The dips are related to global recessions. Data from IPCC SRES scenarios; … Wikipedia
Internal control — In accounting and organizational theory, Internal control is defined as a process effected by an organization s structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific… … Wikipedia
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium
Gun politics — A pyre of confiscated smuggled weapons about to be set ablaze in Nairobi, Kenya … Wikipedia