

The term contrabass (derived from the Italian "contrabbasso") refers to very low musical instruments; generally those pitched one octave below instruments of the bass register. While the term most commonly refers to the double bass (which is the bass instrument in the orchestral string family, tuned lower than the 'cello,), many other instruments in the contrabass register exist. The contrabass is one of the members of the woodwind instrument family.

The term "contrabass" is relative, usually denoting a very low-pitched instrument of its type rather than one playing in a particular range. For example, the contrabass flute's lowest note is approximately an octave higher than that of the contrabass clarinet. Instruments tuned below contrabass instruments, such as the double contrabass flute or subcontrabass saxophone, may be referred to as "double contrabass," "triple contrabass," "subcontrabass," or "octocontrabass" instruments. On the other hand, the "contrabass" classification is often taken to include such instruments as well.



*Contrabass bugle, a variant tuba used in drum and bugle corps
*Contrabass hélicon
*Contrabass sackbut
*Contrabass serpent [cite web
title=Contrabass Serpent
publisher=Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments
*Contrabass saxhorn in EE♭
*Contrabass saxhorn in BB♭
*Subcontrabass saxhorn in EEE♭
*Subcontrabass saxhorn in BBB♭
*Contrabass trombone, a fourth below the trombone
*Contrabass trumpet [cite web
title=Bass and Contrabass Trumpet
publisher=Contrabass Mania
*Subcontrabass tuba in BBB♭


*Contrabass clarinet, two octaves below the B♭ soprano clarinet
*Octocontra-alto clarinet, two octaves below the alto clarinet
*Octocontra-bass clarinet, three octaves below the B♭ soprano clarinet
*Contrabass flute, two octaves below the C concert flute
*Subcontrabass flute, two octaves below the alto flute
*Double contrabass flute, three octaves below the C concert flute
*Hyperbass flute, four octaves below the C concert flute
*Contrabass oboe, two octaves below the oboe
*Contrabass ocarina
*Great contrabass pommer
*Contrabass rackett
*Contrabass recorder, two octaves below the treble recorder
*Subcontrabass recorder, three octaves below the soprano recorder
*Sub-subcontrabass recorder, three octaves below the alto recorder
*Contrabass sarrusophone, range similar to the contrabass saxophone
*Contrabass saxophone, two octaves below the alto saxophone
*Subcontrabass saxophone, two octaves below the tenor saxophone
*Contrabass tin whistle [cite web
title=Sub-Contrabass Whistle Profundo
publisher=Chiff and Fipple Forums
*Contrabass tubax, a saxophone-like instrument two octaves below the alto saxophone
*Subcontrabass tubax, two octaves below the tenor saxophone
*Contrabassoon, an octave below the bassoon
*Reed contrabass
*Contrabassophone [cite web
title=The Contrabassophone
publisher=Contrabass Mania
*Slide reed subcontrabass [cite web
title=Slide Reed Subcontrabass
publisher=Contrabass Mania


*Contrabass harmonica



*Double bass, or contrabass violin
*Violone, a contrabass viol
*Triple contrabass viol
*Dalaruan, used in the modern Chinese orchestra
*Dadihu, used in the modern Chinese orchestra


*Acoustic bass guitar
*Bass guitar
*Contrabass guitar
*Subcontrabass guitar
*Contrabass balalaika, a large triangular lute used in traditional Russian folk music
*Guitarrón, a Mexican acoustic bass guitar used in mariachi ensembles
*Chitarrone moderno, a plucked bass type designed around 1900 by Italian luthiers for use in a mandolin orchestra.


External links

* [] , the "Contrabass Mania" site dedicated to ridiculously low instruments of all kinds

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  • Contrabass — Con tra*bass , n. (Mus.) The lowest stringed instrument of the violin family; the {double bass}; also applied to any instrument of the same deep range as the stringed double bass; as, the contrabass ophicleide; the contrabass tuba or bombardon.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Contrabass — Contrabass, s. Baß …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • contrabass — англ. [ко/нтрэбэ/йс] contrabasso ит. [контраба/ссо] контрабас …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • contrabass — [kän′trə bās΄] adj. [see CONTRA & BASS1] pitched an octave lower than the normal bass n. DOUBLE BASS contrabassist n …   English World dictionary

  • contrabass — I. noun Etymology: Italian contrabbasso, from contra + basso bass Date: 1813 double bass • contrabassist noun II. adjective pitched lower than a bass instrument of the same type < a contrabass clarinet > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Contrabass — Kontrabass engl.: Double Bass, frz.: Contrebasse Klassifikation Chordophon Streichinstrument Tonumfang …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • contrabass — contrabassist /kon treuh bay sist, bas ist/, n. /kon treuh bays /, Music. n. 1. (in any family of instruments) the member below the bass. 2. (in the violin family) the double bass. adj. 3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of such instruments …   Universalium

  • contrabass — /kɒntrəˈbeɪs/ (say kontruh bays) noun 1. (in any family of musical instruments) the member below the bass. 2. (in the violin family) the double bass. –adjective 3. denoting such instruments: a contrabass trombone. –contrabassist /kɒntrəˈbæsəst/… …  

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  • Contrabass saxophone — Anthony Braxton performing on a contrabass saxophone. Classification Wind Woodwind Aerophone Hornbostel–Sachs classification …   Wikipedia

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