- Yarob
Different spelling for Yarob : "Yarrob, Yarub or Yarrub"
Yarob, The Descendant of Prophet
Ishmael Son ofAbraham The Islamic prophet
Muhammad orMohammed considered the descendant Yarob, son of Yashyob, son of Nabit, son ofIshmael ,son ofAbraham (ابراهيم), the Friend of God.The oldest extant biography of Muhammad, compiled by
Mohammed Ibn Ishak , and edited byAbu Mohammed Abd el Malik Ibn Hisham , opens:This book contains the life of the Apostle of God: Muhammad was the son of Abd Allah, son of
Abdu-l-Mottaleb , son ofHashim , son ofAbd Menaf , son ofKussei , son ofKilab , son ofMurra , son of Kaab, son ofLuei , son of Ghalib, son ofFihr , son of Malik, son ofNadhr , son ofKinana , son ofKhuzeima , son ofMudrika , son ofAlya , son ofMudhar , son of Nizar, son ofMaad , son of Adrian, son ofUdd , son ofMukawwam , son of Nahor, son ofTeira , son of Yarob, son of Yashyob, son of Nabit, son ofIshmael , son ofAbraham , the Friend of God, son of Tara, son ofNahor , son of Sarukh, son of Rau, son of Falih, son of Eiber, son of Shalih, son of Arphakhsad, son ofShem , son ofNoah , son of Lamek, son of Metushalakh, son of Khanukh, - who, as is believed, was the prophet Idris, the first prophet, and the first who wrote with the reed, - son ofYared , son of Mahaleel, son of Kainanan, son of Yanish, son of Sheth, son of Adam, to whom may God be gracious!Ya'rob, The Great King of Ancient Arabia
Yarob (يعرب) is one of greatest Arab kings, he was the first to rule the entire lands of
Yemen (southwesternArabia ). He expelled or destroyed the Adites, consolidated the empire of Yemen, and gave to his brothers Oman and Hadhrarmaut. His son was the kingSaba orSheba , the founder of Saba or Sheba kingdom, frequently mentioned in theQur'an . Yarob descendants ruled Ancient Yemen for more than a 1000 years, some early historianwho mentioned that he was the first to speak Arabic."Adapted from History of
Ibn Khaldun and the Encyclopædia Britannica"Ya'rub Yaarob
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