- Sharess
in universe
subject = a
described_object = a fictional deity
category = context
Forgotten Realms Deity|fgcolor=#fff
[http://i6.tinypic.com/8fuemxl.jpg] bgcolor=#000
title=The Dancing Lady, Mother of Cats
power=Lesser (demipower)
alignment=Chaotic Good
portfolio=Hedonism, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats
super=|Sunefavoured weapon=A great cat's claw (claw bracer)Sharess is a fictional
Faerûn ian lesserdeity of theForgotten Realms campaign setting .As a Deity
Sharess is the deity of hedonism, festhalls and sensual fulfillment. She is oft depicted as a beautiful, voluptuous woman with the head of a cat (especially in
Mulhorand ). She has the individualistic and hedonistic personality of a feline and she is constantly grooming herself to ensure her appearance is always up to standards. Sharess is an innate flirt and loves toying around with beautiful mortals; once she has had her fill, she swiftly moves on to other sources of pleasureOr|date=January 2008.The Church of Sharess
The Church of Sharess is of casual nature, and her clergy are responsible for the running of many festhalls found throughout large cities in
Faerun . These festhalls seek to indulge every pleasure imaginable. Privately owned festhalls usually employ at least one or two Sharessan clericsOr|date=January 2008.The Church of Sharess probably celebrate the most festivals out of all the faiths of Faerun. These revels are known collectively as the "Endless Revels of Life." Even daily events present a chance for Sharessan to revel; sometimes even the rising and setting of the sun. Their most beloved festival is the Midsummer's Eve festival, where the pursuit of pleasure has no boundary. Sharessan clerics pray for their spells at dusk.
Bast , aMulhorand i power who was the patroness of cats subsumed the portfolio of Felidae, a beast cult deity of felines,nomad s and sensual pleasure. Bast travelled acrossFaerun leaving many cults in her wake. She began to experiment with the darker side of pleasure and fell under the sway of Shar. She began to become known as Sharess, but before she was completely subsumed by Shar, she was freed bySune , duringThe Time of Troubles . Since then, Sharess has restored her alliances withSelûne ,Sune ,Milil ,Hanali Celanil andLliira . She now opposes bothLoviatar and Shar who has never forgotten that Sharess escaped from her clutches.Dogma
Life is to be lived to its fullest, in decadent sensual fulfillment of yourselves and others. That which is good is pleasurable and that which is pleasurable is good. Pleasure is to be sought out at every opportunity and life is to be lived as one endless revel. Spread the bounty of Sharess so that all may join in the endless revel of life and bring joy to all those in pain. Infinite experiences await those who would explore, so try the new as well as savoring the old.
External links
* [http://www.nwncityofarabel.com/gods/sharess.htm Sharess information]
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