List of submarines of the United States Navy
- List of submarines of the United States Navy
This is a list of submarines of the United States Navy, listedboth by hull number and by name.
*The first four boats of the "Ohio" class have completed their SSGN conversions.
*The "Virginia" class boats are the newest class of submarines for the U.S. Navy. The "Virginia", the "Texas", and the "Hawaii" are all in active service, the "North Carolina" is finishing sea trials with official commissioning scheduled to be in mid-2008. The "New Hampshire", and the "New Mexico" are all currently under construction.
*Three more Virginia-class boats are under construction, and they had their names announced on 30 January 2008 by the Secretary of the Navy, Donald C. Winter. They will be the U.S.S. Missouri, SSN-780; the U.S.S. California, SSN-781; and the U.S.S. Mississippi, SSN-782. The SSN-783 is also under construction as a "Virginia" class submarine, but no name has been selected for her, yet.
*The oldest American nuclear submarine still in service is the USS "Los Angeles".
See also
* List of lost United States submarines
* List of United States submarine classes
* The NR-1 Deep Submergence Craft is an uncommissioned nuclear submarine operated by the United States Navy.
*"Turtle", an American submarine of the American Revolutionary War
*"Hunley", a human-powered submarine of the American Civil War in the early 1860s, operated by the CSN.
* The United States Navy operated several captured U-boats for publicity and testing purposes. Some were commissioned into the Navy.
**After WWI
*** "UB-88"
*** "UC-97"
*** "U-111"
*** "U-117"
*** "U-140"
*** "UB-148"
**After WWII
*** "U-2513"
*** "U-3008"
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