Bessey system

Bessey system

A system of plant taxonomy, the Bessey system was published in:cite journal|author = Charles E. Bessey|year = 1915|title = The phylogenetic taxonomy of flowering plants|journal = Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden|volume = 2|pages = 109164|doi = 10.2307/2990030 available online at cite web|url=|title=|publisher= Missouri Botanical Garden | format = PDF|accessdate=2007-08-16

Bessey considered Spermatophyta as having had polyphyletic origin, being composed by three different phyla, of the which he treated only of Anthophyta (syn.: Angiosperms).

With some modifications, most modern classifications - for example, those of Cronquist (1981, 1983, 1988), Takhtajan (1969, 1980, 1983, 1991), Stebbins (1974), R. Dahlgren (1975, 1980, 1983; R. Dahlgren et al. 1981; R. Dahlgren and Rasmussen 1983; R. Dahlgren and Bremer 1985; G. Dahlgren 1989), and Thorne (1976, 1981, 1983, 1992) - follow the Bessey tradition. ref|Zomlefer

Sources for classification below: cite book|author = G. H. M. Lawrence|year = 1951|title = Taxonomy of vascular plants and original (1915).
*: phylum "Angiospermae"
*::1 classis "Alternifoliae" syn.:Monocotyledoneae
*:::1 subclassis "Strobiloideae"
*:::::ordo Alismatales
*:::::: Alismataceae
*:::::: Butomaceae
*:::::: Triuridaceae
*:::::: Scheuchzeriaceae
*:::::: Typhaceae
*:::::: Sparganiaceae
*:::::: Pandanaceae
*:::::: Aponogetonaceae
*:::::: Potamogetonaceae
*:::::ordo Liliales
*:::::: Liliaceae
*:::::: Stemonaceae
*:::::: Pontederiaceae
*:::::: Cyanastraceae
*:::::: Philydraceae
*:::::: Commelinaceae
*:::::: Xyridaceae
*:::::: Mayacaceae
*:::::: Juncaceae
*:::::: Eriocaulaceae as "Eriocaulonaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Thurniaceae
*:::::: Rapateaceae
*:::::: Najadaceae as "Naiadaceae" [sic]
*:::::ordo Arales
*:::::: Cyclanthaceae
*:::::: Araceae
*:::::: Lemnaceae
*:::::ordo Palmales
*:::::: Palmae as "Palmaceae" [sic]
*:::::ordo Graminales
*:::::: Restionaceae
*:::::: Centrolepidaceae
*:::::: Flagellariaceae
*:::::: Cyperaceae
*:::::: Poaceae
*:::2 subclassis "Cotyloideae"
*:::::ordo Hydrales
*:::::: Vallisneriaceae syn.: Hydrocharitaceae
*:::::ordo Iridales
*:::::: Amaryllidaceae
*:::::: Haemodoraceae
*:::::: Iridaceae
*:::::: Velloziaceae
*:::::: Taccaceae
*:::::: Dioscoreaceae
*:::::: Bromeliaceae
*:::::: Musaceae
*:::::: Zingiberaceae
*:::::: Cannaceae
*:::::: Marantaceae
*:::::ordo Orchidales
*:::::: Burmanniaceae
*:::::: Orchidaceae

*::2 classis "Oppositifoliae" syn.: "Dicotyledoneae"
*:::1 subclassis "Strobiloideae"
*::::1 superordo "Apopetalae-Polycarpellatae"
*:::::ordo Ranales
*:::::: Magnoliaceae
*:::::: Calycanthaceae
*:::::: Monimiaceae
*:::::: Cercidiphyllaceae
*:::::: Trochodendraceae
*:::::: Leitneriaceae
*:::::: Annonaceae as "Anonaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Lactoridaceae
*:::::: Gomortegaceae
*:::::: Myristicaceae
*:::::: Saururaceae
*:::::: Piperaceae
*:::::: Lacistemaceae
*:::::: Chloranthaceae
*:::::: Ranunculaceae
*:::::: Lardizabalaceae
*:::::: Berberidaceae
*:::::: Menispermaceae
*:::::: Lauraceae
*:::::: Nelumbonaceae as "Nelumbaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Cabombaceae
*:::::: Ceratophyllaceae
*:::::: Dilleniaceae
*:::::: Winteraceae as "Winteranaceae" [sic]
*:::::ordo Malvales
*:::::: Sterculiaceae
*:::::: Malvaceae
*:::::: Bombacaceae as "Bombaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Scytopetalaceae
*:::::: Chlaenaceae syn.: Sarcolaenaceae
*:::::: Gonystylaceae
*:::::: Tiliaceae
*:::::: Elaeocarpaceae
*:::::: Balanopaceae as "Balanopsidaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Ulmaceae
*:::::: Moraceae
*:::::: Urticaceae
*:::::ordo Sarraceniales
*:::::: Sarraceniaceae
*:::::: Nepenthaceae
*:::::ordo Geraniales
*:::::: Geraniaceae
*:::::: Oxalidaceae
*:::::: Tropaeolaceae
*:::::: Balsaminaceae
*:::::: Limnanthaceae
*:::::: Linaceae
*:::::: Humiriaceae
*:::::: Rutaceae
*:::::: Simaroubaceae as "Simarubaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Burseraceae
*:::::: Meliaceae
*:::::: Malpighiaceae
*:::::: Trigoniaceae
*:::::: Vochysiaceae
*:::::: Polygalaceae
*:::::: Tremandraceae
*:::::: Dichapetalaceae
*:::::: Euphorbiaceae
*:::::: Callitrichaceae
*:::::ordo Guttiferales
*:::::: Theaceae
*:::::: Cistaceae
*:::::: Guttiferae as "Guttiferaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Eucryphiaceae
*:::::: Ochnaceae
*:::::: Dipterocarpaceae
*:::::: Caryocaraceae
*:::::: Quiinaceae
*:::::: Marcgraviaceae
*:::::: Flacourtiaceae
*:::::: Bixaceae
*:::::: Cochlospermaceae
*:::::: Violaceae
*:::::: Malesherbiaceae
*:::::: Turneraceae
*:::::: Passifloraceae
*:::::: Achariaceae
*:::::: Caricaceae
*:::::: Stachyuraceae
*:::::: Koeberliniaceae
*:::::ordo Rhoedales
*:::::: Papaveraceae
*:::::: Tovariaceae
*:::::: Nymphaeaceae
*:::::: Moringaceae
*:::::: Resedaceae
*:::::: Capparaceae as "Capparidaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Brassicaceae
*:::::ordo Caryophyllales
*:::::: Caryophyllaceae
*:::::: Elatinaceae
*:::::: Portulacaceae
*:::::: Aizoaceae
*:::::: Frankeniaceae
*:::::: Tamaricaceae
*:::::: Salicaceae
*:::::: Podostemaceae as "Podostemonaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Hydrostachyaceae as "Hydrostachydaceae" [sic]
*:::::: Phytolaccaceae
*:::::: Basellaceae
*:::::: Amaranthaceae
*:::::: Chenopodiaceae
*:::::: Polygonaceae
*:::::: Nyctaginaceae
*:::::: Cynocrambaceae syn.: Theligonaceae
*:::::: Bataceae as "Batidaceae" [sic]
*::::2 superordo "Sympetalae-Polycarpellatae"
*:::::ordo Ebenales
*:::::: Sapotaceae
*:::::: Ebenaceae
*:::::: Symplocaceae
*:::::: Styracaceae
*:::::: Fouquieriaceae
*:::::ordo Ericales
*:::::: Clethraceae
*:::::: Ericaceae
*:::::: Epacridaceae
*:::::: Diapensiaceae
*:::::: Pyrolaceae
*:::::: Lennoaceae
*:::::ordo Primulales
*:::::: Primulaceae
*:::::: Plantaginaceae
*:::::: Plumbaginaceae
*:::::: Myrsinaceae
*:::::: Theophrastaceae
*::::3 superordo "Sympetalae-Dicarpellatae"
*:::::ordo Gentianales
*:::::: Oleaceae
*:::::: Salvadoraceae
*:::::: Loganiaceae
*:::::: Gentianaceae
*:::::: Apocynaceae
*:::::: Asclepiadaceae
*:::::ordo Polemoniales
*:::::: Polemoniaceae
*:::::: Convolvulaceae
*:::::: Hydrophyllaceae
*:::::: Boraginaceae as "Borraginaceae"
*:::::: Nolanaceae
*:::::: Solanaceae
*:::::ordo Scrophulariales
*:::2 subclassis "Cotyloideae"
*::::1 superordo "Apopetalae"
*::::: ordo Rosales
*:::::: Rosaceae
*:::::: Malaceae
*:::::: Prunaceae
*:::::: Crossosomataceae
*:::::: Connaraceae
*:::::: Mimosaceae
*:::::: Cassiaceae
*:::::: Fabaceae
*:::::: Saxifragaceae
*:::::: Hydrangeaceae
*:::::: Grossulariaceae
*:::::: Crassulaceae
*:::::: Droseraceae
*:::::: Cephalotaceae
*:::::: Pittosporaceae
*:::::: Brunelliaceae
*:::::: Cunoniaceae
*:::::: Myrothamnaceae
*:::::: Bruniaceae
*:::::: Hamamelidaceae
*:::::: Casuarinaceae
*:::::: Eucommiaceae
*:::::: Platanaceae
*::::: ordo Myrtales
*:::::: Lythraceae
*:::::: Sonneratiaceae
*:::::: Punicaceae
*:::::: Lecythidaceae
*:::::: Melastomataceae
*:::::: Myrtaceae
*:::::: Combretaceae
*:::::: Rhizophoraceae
*:::::: Oenotheraceae
*:::::: Halorrhagidaceae
*:::::: Hippuridaceae
*:::::: Cynomoriaceae
*:::::: Aristolochiaceae
*:::::: Rafflesiaceae
*:::::: Hydnoraceae
*::::: ordo Loasales
*:::::: Loasaceae
*:::::: Cucurbitaceae
*:::::: Begoniaceae
*:::::: Datiscaceae
*:::::: Ancistrocladaceae
*::::: ordo Cactales
*:::::: Cactaceae
*::::: ordo Celastrales
*:::::: Rhamnaceae
*:::::: Vitaceae
*:::::: Celastraceae
*:::::: Buxaceae
*:::::: Aquifoliaceae
*:::::: Cyrillaceae
*:::::: Pentaphylacaceae
*:::::: Corynocarpaceae
*:::::: Hippocrateaceae
*:::::: Stackhousiaceae
*:::::: Staphyleaceae
*:::::: Geissolomataceae
*:::::: Penaeaceae
*:::::: Oliniaceae
*:::::: Thymelaeaceae
*:::::: Hernandiaceae
*:::::: Elaeagnaceae
*:::::: Myzodendraceae
*:::::: Santalaceae
*:::::: Opiliaceae
*:::::: Grubbiaceae
*:::::: Olacaceae
*:::::: Loranthaceae
*:::::: Balanophoraceae
*::::: ordo Sapindales
*:::::: Sapindaceae
*:::::: Hippocastanaceae
*:::::: Aceraceae
*:::::: Sabiaceae
*:::::: Icacinaceae
*:::::: Melianthaceae
*:::::: Empetraceae
*:::::: Coriariaceae
*:::::: Anacardiaceae
*:::::: Juglandaceae
*:::::: Betulaceae
*:::::: Fagaceae
*:::::: Myricaceae
*:::::: Julianaceae
*:::::: Proteaceae
*::::: ordo Apiales as "Umbellales"
*:::::: Araliaceae
*:::::: Apiaceae
*:::::: Cornaceae

*::::2 superordo "Sympetalae"
*::::: ordo Rubiales
*:::::: Rubiaceae
*:::::: Caprifoliaceae
*:::::: Adoxaceae
*:::::: Valerianaceae
*:::::: Dipsacaceae
*::::: ordo Campanulales
*:::::: Campanulaceae
*:::::: Goodeniaceae
*:::::: Stylidiaceae
*:::::: Calyceraceae
*::::: ordo Asterales
*:::::: Helianthaceae
*:::::: Ambrosiaceae
*:::::: Heleniaceae
*:::::: Arctotidaceae
*:::::: Calendulaceae
*:::::: Inulaceae
*:::::: Asteraceae
*:::::: Vernoniaceae
*:::::: Eupatoriaceae
*:::::: Anthemidaceae
*:::::: Senecionidaceae
*:::::: Carduaceae
*:::::: Mutisiaceae
*:::::: Lactucaceae


*# Zomlefer, W. B. (1994):Guide to flowering plant families.

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