List of types of interferometers

List of types of interferometers

= Field and linear interferometers =

*Astronomical interferometer / Michelson stellar interferometer
*Classical interference microscopy
*Cyclic interferometer
*Diffraction-grating interferometer (white light)
*Double-slit interferometer
*Fabry-Perot interferometer
*Fizeau interferometer
*Fourier-transform interferometer
*Fresnel inteferometer (e.g. Fresnel biprism, Fresnel mirror or Lloyd's mirror)
*Fringes of Equal Chromatic Order inteferometer (FECO)
*Gabor hologram
*Gires-Tournois etalon
*Heterodyne interferometer (see heterodyning)
*Holographic interferometer
*Linnik interferometer (microscopy)
*Mach-Zehnder interferometer
*Martin-Puplett interferometer
*Michelson interferometer
*Mirau interferometer (also known as a Mirau objective) (microscopy)
*Moire interferometer (see Moire pattern)
*Multi-beam interferometer (microscopy)
*Near-field interferometer
*Newton interferometer (see Newton's rings)
* Nonlinear Michelson interferometer / Step-phase Michelson interferometer
*Phase-shifting interferometer
*Planar lightwave circuit (PLC) interferometer
*Polarization inteferometer (see also Babinet-Soleil compensator)
*Point diffraction interferometer
*Rayleigh Interferometer
*Sagnac interferometer
*Schlieren inteferometer (phase-shifting)
*Shearing interferometer (lateral and radial)
*Twyman-Green interferometer
*Talbot Lau interferometer
*Watson interferometer (microscopy)
*White-light interferometer (see also Optical coherence tomography)
*White-light scatterplate interferometer (white-light)(microscopy)
*Wedge interferometer
* Young's double-slit interferometer
*Zernike phase contrast microscope

Intensity and nonlinear interferometers

*intensity interferometer
* intensity optical correlator
*frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG)
*Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER)

Quantum optics interferometers

*Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer (HOM) (see Leonard Mandel)
*Franson interferometer
*Hanbury-Brown Twiss interferometer

Interferometers outside optics

*Atom interferometer
*Ramsey interferometer
*Mini grail interferometer
*Aharonov-Bohm effect
*Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (a radar-based 3-d surface mapping)

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