Soyuz 28

Soyuz 28

duration = 7d/22:16
orbits =
apogee = 275.6 km
perigee = 198.9 km
apolune =
perilune =
period = 88.95 minutes
altitude =
inclination = 51.65°
distance =
mass = 6800 kg
crew_photo =
crew_caption =
previous = Soyuz 27
next = Soyuz 29

Soyuz 28 (Russian: Союз-28) was launched March 2, 1978, and was the third mission to dock with Salyut 6. Aboard Soyuz 28, Vladimír Remek from Czechoslovakia became the first person launched into space who was not a citizen of the United States or the Soviet Union. It was the first mission in the Intercosmos program that gave Eastern Bloc and other Communist countries access to space through manned and unmanned launches.

They docked with Salyut 6, which was already occupied by Georgi Grechko and Yuri Romanenko. Like all Intercosmos missions it was 7 days and 21.5 hours plus or minus 1 hour in length. This meant that no country could be offended by the fact that another Eastern Bloc country had a longer flight and possibly perceive that the Soviet Union liked that country more.

The mission had mainly political purposes. The 4 crew members on "Salyut 6" received messages from Leonid Brezhnev and Gustáv Husák, the leader of Czechoslovakia. It was hoped that the Intercosmos flights would help prop up some of the failing communist regimes in the Eastern Bloc. Husák was unpopular in Czechoslovakia after reversing the reforms of his predecessor (who had been ousted by Warsaw Pact countries). Romanenko spoke on behalf of the crew saying:

"We shall apply all our strengths and knowledge to defend the great honour of this international crew, which has started to carry our this joint program of socialist countries' research and utilisation of outer space for peaceful purposes."

As for experiments these were standardised over all the Intercosmos missions. There was a variety of cardiovascular and medical experiments, some multispectral photography of the visitor's home country and one or two experiments developed by scientists in the visiting cosmonaut's country. In Remek's case these were material processing.

The time was agony for one of the long duration crew members, Romanenko. He had developed an excruciating toothache and there was little that they could do on the station. All that the doctors at mission control could suggest was that he washed his mouth with warm water and keep warm. By the end of the mission (they landed only six days after the Soyuz 28 crew), a nerve had been exposed.

Most of the guest cosmonauts were trained as military pilots within the Soviet Union and spoke excellent Russian.

The crew landed 135 km north of Arkalyk in the Soyuz 28 spacecraft.


Number in parentheses indicates number of spaceflights by each individual prior to and including this mission.
*Aleksei Gubarev (2) - Commander
*Vladimír Remek (Czechoslovakia) (1) - Research Cosmonaut

Backup crew

*Nikolai Rukavishnikov - Commander
*Oldřich Pelčák (Czechoslovakia) - Research Cosmonaut

Mission parameters

*Mass: 6800 kg
*Perigee: 198.9 km
*Apogee: 275.6 km
*Inclination: 51.65°
*Period: 88.95 minutes


A joke appeared soon after the mission that Remek's hand had mysteriously turned red after the mission. He informed the doctors that this was because every time he went to touch something, the Russian crewmembers would slap his hand and yell, "Don't touch that!"

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