
Bordeaux wine.

Claret (play /ˈklærɨt/ klarr-ət, not /klæˈreɪ/ kla-ray) is a name primarily used in British English for red wine from the Bordeaux region of France.


Claret derives from the French clairet,[1] a now uncommon dark rosé and the most common wine exported from Bordeaux until the 18th century. It is a protected name within the European Union, describing a red Bordeaux wine, accepted after the British wine trade demonstrated over 300 years' usage of the term.[1]

Claret is occasionally used in the United States as a semi-generic label for red wine in the style of the Bordeaux, ideally of varietals authentic to the region. The French themselves do not use the term, except for export purposes.

The colour "claret" resembles the red hue of Bordeaux wine. It has become a slang term for blood, as in "tapping the claret" meaning giving someone a bloody nose.[2]


The standard style of Bordeaux wine has not always been deep red. It used to be closer to a rosé, hence the French clairet, meaning pale. The Plantagenet kingdom, covering England and much of France from 1152 to 1453, encouraged wine trade between the regions.[citation needed] This trade relationship was encouraged by both of the kings following the marriage of Henry Plantagenet and Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152.[citation needed] As the taste for clairet developed in England, the word was adopted and gradually anglicised to "claret".

In the Late Middle Ages, a claret meant a spiced wine-based drink produced by pouring heated wine, usually a red, over a bag containing a mix of spices.[citation needed] It was similar, and often identical, to hypocras.[citation needed] Spices that were specific to medieval clarets include anise, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon and fennel.[citation needed] The term now more frequently applies to unspiced red Bordeaux wine.

The meaning of "claret" has changed over time to refer to a dry, dark red Bordeaux.[1] It has remained a term associated with the English upper class, and consequently appears on bottles of generic red Bordeaux in an effort to raise its status in the market.[3]

In November 2011, the president of the Union des Maisons de Negoce de Bordeaux, announced an intention to use the term Claret de Bordeaux for wines that are ‘light and fruity, easy to drink, in the same style as the original claret when it was prized by the English in former centuries’.[4]


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