self-realization — Self realization, or living in constant awareness of the real Self, AT M A N, is considered the goal of most Hindu study and practice. Hinduism recognizes that individual abilities and interests vary con siderably among people, so it… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
self-realization — [self′rē΄ə li zā′shən] n. complete fulfillment of the self or full development of one s own talents, capabilities, etc … English World dictionary
self-realization — saviraiška statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vienintelio, nepakartojamo savo vidinio Aš raiška; asmenybės savęs reiškimas veikla (prigimties gebėjimų, gabumų ir patirties realizavimas, poreikių patenkinimas, tikslų pasiekimas) … Sporto terminų žodynas
Self-Realization Fellowship — Self–Realization Fellowship (SRF) y Yogoda Satsaga Society of India (YSS) es una organización religiosa fundada por Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, en 1920. La asociación se encarga de difundir las enseñanzas de Yogananda, incluyendo el “Kriya Yoga”,… … Wikipedia Español
Self-Realization Fellowship — Self – Realization Fellowship (SRF) es una organización religiosa fundada por Paramahansa Yogananda, en 1920. La asociación se encarga de difundir las enseñanzas de Yogananda, incluyendo la “Kriya Yoga”, una forma de yoga que incluye ejercicios… … Enciclopedia Universal
self-realization — /self ree euh leuh zay sheuhn, self /, n. the fulfillment of one s potential. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
self-realization — self actualization, fulfilling oneself … English contemporary dictionary
self-realization — self′ realiza′tion n. the fulfillment of one s potential • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
Self-Realization Fellowship — Gateway to the Self Realization Fellowship Temple in Hollywood (Los Angeles, California) Self Realization Fellowship / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India is a worldwide spiritual organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920[1] and based in … Wikipedia
Self-Realization Fellowship — (est. 1935) The Self Realization Fellowship (SRF) is an inter national religious organization founded in 1935 by Paramahansa YOGANANDA (1893–1952) to introduce people of all races, cultures, and creeds to the ancient science and philosophy of… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism