- List of Tatar and Mongol raids against Russian states
This is a list of
Mongol andTatar military campaigns againstRussia nprincipalities following theMongol invasion of Rus' :
*1223 :Battle of the Kalka River
*1237-1242:Mongol invasion of Rus
*1252 : Horde ofNevruy devastatedPereslavl-Zalessky andSuzdal .
*1258 /1259 : Mongol attacks againstDanylo of Halych , led byBurundai .
*1273 : Mongol twice attacked Novgorod territory, devastatedVologda andBezhitsa .
*1274 : Mongols devastatedSmolensk .
*1275 : Mongol invasion of south-eastern Russia, pillage ofKursk .
*1278 : Mongols pillagedRyazan Principality .
*1281 : The horde ofKovdygay andAlchiday sackedMurom and Pereslavl-Zalessky, ruined vicinities of Suzdal,Rostov ,Vladimir ,Yuryev-Polsky ,Tver ,Torzhok .
*1282 : Mongols attacked Vladimir and Pereslavl-Zalessky.
*1283 : Mongols sackedVorgolsk ,Rylsk , andLipetsk , overrunning Kursk and Vorgol.
*1285 : The Mongolwarlord Eltoray , son ofTemir , pillaged Ryazan and Murom.
*1293 : The Mongol warlordDyuden came to Russia and pillaged fourteen towns, including Murom, Moscow,Kolomna , Vladimir, Suzdal, Yuriev-Polsky, Pereslavl-Zalessky,Mozhaysk ,Volokolamsk , Dmitrov,Uglitch . During the same summer "Tatar tsarevitch"Takhtamir looted the Tver principality and captured slaves in the Vladimir principality.
*1307 : Tatars pillaged Ryazan principality.
*1315 : Tatars pillaged Torzhok (Novgorod principality) and Rostov
*1317 : Tatars devastated the Tver principality
*1318 : Tatars sackedKostroma and Rostov
*1322 : Tatars devastated Yaroslavl
*1327 : A newpunitive expedition of theGolden Horde to the Tver principality
*1358 ,1365 ,1373 : Tatars sacked the Ryazan principality
*1375 : Tatars attacked the southeastern suburb of theNizhniy Novgorod principality
*1377 and1378 : Tatars attacked the Nizhniy Novgorod and Ryazan principalities
*1380 :Dmitri Donskoi defeats Tatars atBattle of Kulikovo
*1382 : KhanTokhtamysh burns downMoscow , tens of thousands of its citizens die
*1391 : Tatars attacked Vyatka
*1399 : Tatars attacked Nizhniy Novgorod
*1408 : Tatars sackedSerpukhov , vicinities of Moscow, Pereyaslavl, Rostov,Yuriev ,Dmitrov , Nizhni Novgorod,Halitsch
*1410 : Tatars ruined Vladimir
*1415 : Tatars devastatedElets
*1429 : Tatars looted vicinities of Galich, Kostroma
*1439 : Tatar incursions into vicinities of Moscow and Kolomna
*1443 : Tatars looted outskirts ofRyazan , but are repelled from city proper
*1445 : Tatars attacked on Nizhni Novgorod and Suzdal
*1449 ,1451 ,1455 ,1459 : Tatars looted the outskirts of Moscow
*1468 : Tatars looted vicinities of Galich
*1472 : Tatars lootedAleksin
*1480 : TheGreat stand on the Ugra river marks the end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke of Russia.ee also
Golden Horde
*Mongol Empire
*Tatar invasions
*Russo-Kazan Wars
*Mongol invasion of Rus
*Russo-Crimean Wars ource
*Full Collection of Russian Annals, St.Petersburg, 1908 and Moscow,2001, ISBN 5-94457-011-3.
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