



English language last name of Scottish origin. It may refer to the following people:




See also

  • Cumming (disambiguation), a surname (last name)
  • Cummins, Inc., maker of diesel and natural gas engines

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  • Cummings — ist schottischen Ursprungs und der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Cummings (Politiker) (1810–1879), US amerikanischer General und Politiker Amos J. Cummings (1841–1902), US amerikanischer Politiker Burton Cummings, kanadischer Musiker …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CUMMINGS (E. E.) — CUMMINGS EDWARD ESTLIN (1894 1962) Après des études à Harvard, Cummings est mobilisé en 1917, lors de l’entrée en guerre des États Unis. Il est envoyé en France, où une fausse accusation de trahison lui vaut d’être incarcéré durant plusieurs… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cummings —   [ kʌmɪȖz], E. E. (Edward Estlin), amerikanischer Dichter, * Cambridge (Massachusetts) 14. 10. 1894, ✝ North Conway (N. H.) 3. 9. 1962; war im Ersten Weltkrieg freiwilliger Frontsoldat; kam wegen Spionageverdachts in Frankreich in Haft; auf… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Cummings — [kum′iŋz] E(dward) E(stlin) 1894 1962; U.S. poet: also written e e cummings …   English World dictionary

  • Cummings — (Edward Estlin) (1894 1962) écrivain américain. Ses poèmes sont des quasi calligrammes: Tulipes et Cheminées (1923), Poésies complètes (1923 1954) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cummings — Cummings, E.E. 1894 1962) a US poet known for writing poems with no ↑capital letters and for playing with the way poems are arranged on a page and with ↑punctuation, in poems such as anyone lived in a little how town …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Cummings —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cumming. Cummings est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Bruce Frederic Cummings (1889 1919),… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cummings, E.E. — ▪ American poet in full  Edward Estlin Cummings   born October 14, 1894, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S. died September 3, 1962, North Conway, New Hampshire  American poet and painter who first attracted attention, in an age of literary… …   Universalium

  • Cummings — /ˈkʌmɪŋz/ (say kumingz) noun 1. Bart (James Bartholomew Cummings), born 1927, Australian racehorse trainer; trained 12 Melbourne Cup winners. 2. Edward Estlin (e e cummings), 1894–1962, US poet, writer, and painter; noted for his experimental use …  

  • cummings — noun United States writer noted for his typographically eccentric poetry (1894 1962) • Syn: ↑e. e. cummings, ↑Edward Estlin Cummings • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

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