L'École Arménienne Sourp Hagop

L'École Arménienne Sourp Hagop

name = L'École Arménienne Sourp Hagop
Սուրբ Յակոբ Ազգային Վարժարան

established = 1974
type = Private
head_name = Director
head = Hagop Boulgarian
free_label = Religious Affiliation
free = Armenian Christian
city = Montreal
state = Quebec
country = Canada
students = 677 (2005-2006)
grades = Kindergarten - 11th
mascot =
school_colors =
website = [http://www.sourphagop.com/ecole/ Sourphagop.com]
coordinates = coord|45|31|53.75|N|73|41|45.28|W|type:edu_region:CA

L'École Arménienne Sourp Hagop (Lang-hy|Սուրբ Յակոբ Ազգային Վարժարան; English: "Sourp Hagop Armenian School") is an Armenian-Canadian private school located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The school has around 700 students, excluding the children in the nearby, closely affiliated Armenian pre-school. Education begins in Kindergarten and ends at Secondary 5, after which graduating students continue their education at a CÉGEP. The current director of the school is Mr. Hagop Boulgarian. According to a recent study made by the Fraser Institute, Sourp Hagop is the 10th best school in Quebec out of 458, with a score of 9.9 out of 10. [ [http://www.fraserinstitute.ca/admin/books/chapterfiles/70QCFSC06RANK.pdf# The Fraser Institute ] ]



The foundation of an Armenian school and church in Montréal has been initiated by an Executive Committee presided by YervantPasdermadjian.Armenian education was laid when an Armenian Saturday school opened its doors in 1959. Later, in September of 1973, the Armenian Relief Society opened a pre-school for Armenian youngsters from two to five years old.In 1974, the Sourp Hagop Armenian School was founded on Parthenais Street, starting with 37 pupils from kindergarten to first grade.

The prelacy of the Sourp Hagop Armenian Church established an executive committee in order to fulfill the educational needs of the growing Armenian community of both Laval and Montreal. The ARS pre-school now had to prepare the children for future education. The number of preschoolers of the ARS pre-school augmented, and went from 60 to 160.


In 1975, the school moved to a new building on Victor Doré Street.The school grew each year, first by becoming a primary school, and later on, by obtaining the authorization of opening its secondary classes.

In 1987, Sourp Hagop moved to a much larger building, which once served as an English language private school. The building is located next to the Sourp Hagop Armenian Church. The school had to develop progressively, in order to reach its current size of more than 670 students.

The Armenian Relief Society has given a substantial amount support to the school. In fact, the school's library and computer lab have grown extensively thanks to the ARS's efforts.


Although Sourp Hagop is an Armenian school, most of the classes are instructed in French, such as French language and literature, mathematics, science and Canadian-Quebec history. Armenian language, literature and history are taught so that the Armenian cultural identity is preserved in the newer generations of the Armenian Canadian community. English language and literature are taught in addition to Armenian and French.

Extracurricular activities, such as art, athletics, chess and music are encouraged.


External links

* [http://www.sourphagop.com/ecole/ School website]
* [http://www.sourphagopkermesse.ca/ Sourp Hagop Kermesse]
* [http://www.sourphagop.org/newsletter/vol1no4e.pdf]

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