Sykes' Warbler

Sykes' Warbler

name = Sykes's Warbler

image_width = 240px
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Sylviidae
genus = "Hippolais"
binomial = "Hippolais rama"
binomial_authority = (Sykes, 1832)

Sykes' Warbler, "Hippolais rama", is an Old World warbler in the tree warbler genus "Hippolais". It was formerly considered conspecific with Booted Warbler, but is now usually considered a separate species. Its breeding range is from northeast Arabia to Afghanistan. It migrates winter in the Indian subcontinent as far south as Sri Lanka.It is a small passerine birds are found in open country with bushes and other tall vegetation. 3-4 eggs are laid in a nest in a bush or vegetation. Like most warblers they are insectivorous.

It is a small warbler, especially compared to others in their genus. They are pale brown (weak tea colour) above and whitish below with buff flanks. The outer tail feathers have pale edges. They have a short pale supercilium, and the bill is strong and pointed. Sykes's is larger and greyer than Booted, and most resembles an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler.


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