William Robbins — ist der Name von: William Robbins (Leichtathlet) (* 1885), US amerikanischer Sprinter William D. Robbins (1874–1952), Bürgermeister von Toronto (1936–1938) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung me … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Robbins (Western settler) — William Robbins (1848 1933) was an early settler of the Curlew Valley of Utah and Idaho. He was a veteran of the American Civil War and assisted in the building of the transcontinental railroad.Early lifeWilliam Robbins was born July 14, 1848 to… … Wikipedia
William Robbins (actor) — William Robbins (died October 1645), also Robins, Robinson, or Robson, was a prominent comic actor in the Jacobean and Caroline eras.His career began by 1617, when he was with Queen Anne s Men; he remained with that company for the remainder of… … Wikipedia
William Robbins (Leichtathlet) — William Corbett Robbins (* 9. August 1885 in Cambridge, Massachusetts; † unbekannt) war ein US amerikanischer Sprinter. Bei den Olympischen Spielen 1908 in London führte er lange im Finale des 400 Meter Laufs, wurde aber eingangs der Zielgerade… … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Robbins (athlete) — William Corbett Robbins was an American athlete and a member of the Irish American Athletic Club. He advanced to the finals in the men s 400 metres race at the 1908 Summer Olympics, winning his preliminary heat with a time of 50.4 seconds and his … Wikipedia
Robbins — can be:Places in the United States* Robbins, California, a town in Sutter County * Robbins, Illinois, a village in Cook County * Robbins, North Carolina, a city in Moore County * Bernie Robbins Stadium, Atlantic City, New JerseyThings* Baskin… … Wikipedia
Robbins — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexandra Robbins (* 1976), US amerikanischer Journalistin und Autorin Andrea Robbins (* 1963), US amerikanische Fotografin Anthony Robbins (* 1960), US amerikanischer Motivationstrainer und Erfolgscoach… … Deutsch Wikipedia
William D. Robbins — William Robbins William D. Robbins (* 1874 in Bristol; † 1952) war vom November 1936 bis Januar 1938 der 45. Bürgermeister von Toronto. Er folgte seinem Vorgänger Samuel McBride und gab sein Amt nach der Niederlage bei den Wahlen 1937 ab an Ralph … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Allen (actor) — William Allen (died 1647) was a prominent English actor in the Caroline era. He belonged to both of the most important theatre companies of his generation, Queen Henrietta s Men and the King s Men. [Edwin Nunzeger, A Dictionary of Actors and of… … Wikipedia
Robbins , Frederick Chapman — (1916–) American virologist and pediatrician Robbins was born in Auburn, Alabama, the son of plant physiologist William Robbins. He obtained his MD from Harvard Medical School in 1940 and from 1942 to 1946 headed the virus and rickettsial section … Scientists