List of political parties in Russia

List of political parties in Russia

Political parties in Russia lists political parties in Russia. Presently there are four parties that make up the State Duma (parliament). In addition there many minor ones. Russia is often described as a one party dominant state with United Russia in power. Opposition parties are allowed, but are seen as ineffective and widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power, which is partly due to the control of mainstream media and some opposition figures by the government [ [ Digest] by Glasnost Defense Foundation ] [ Index of democracy by Economist Intelligence Unit] ] [ Sergey Kovalev - Interview to Radio Free Europe (Russian)] ] [ [ Did Irina Hakamada refused to be a Kremlin's project?] by Yulia Latynina, Novaya Gazeta ]

The parties

Major parties in the Russian State Duma

* United Russia (Единая Россия, "Yedinaya Rossiya")
* Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации, "Kommunisticheskaya partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii")
* Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Либерально-Демократическая Партия России (ЛДПР), "Liberalno-Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii (LDPR)")
* Fair Russia (Справедливая Россия: Родина/Пенсионеры/Жизнь, "Spravedlivaya Rossiya: Rodina/Pensionery/Zhizn")

Other Prominent Parties

* Citizens' Force (Гражданская Сила, "Grazhdanskaya Sila")
* Democratic Party of Russia (Демократическая партия России, "Demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii")
* Patriots of Russia (Патриоты России, "Patrioty Rossii")
* Peace and Unity (Российская политическая партия Мира и Единства, "Rossiyskaya politicheskaya partiya Mira i Edinstva")
* People's Union (Народный Союз, "Narodnyi Soyuz")
* Russian Ecological Party "The Greens" (Российская экологическая партия «Зеленые», "Rossiiskaya ekologicheskaya partiya "Zyelyonyye")
* Russian Social Justice Party (Российская Партия Справедливости, "Rossiyskaya Partiya Spravedlivosti")
* Union of Right Forces (Союз Правых Сил, "Soyuz Pravykh Sil")
* Yabloko (Российская Демократическая Партия "Яблоко", "Rossiyskaya Demokraticheskaya Partiya "Yabloko")

Historical and unregistered parties

* Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Коммунисти́ческая Па́ртия Сове́тского Сою́за, "Kommunistieskaja Partija Sovetskogo Soujuza"). Factions:
**Anti-Party Group
**Group of Democratic Centralism
**Left Communists
**Left Opposition
**Right Opposition
**United Opposition
**Workers' Opposition
* Constitutional Democratic Party (Российская Конституционно-демократическая партия, "Rossiyskaya Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya")
* Jewish Bund
* Left Socialist Revolutionaries
* Octobrists
* Our HomeRussia
* Russian Fascist Party
* Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Росси́йская Социа́л-Демократи́ческая Рабо́чая Па́ртия, "Rossijskaja Social-demokrastieskaja Raboaja Partija"). Factions:
* Socialist-Revolutionary Party (Партия Социалистов-революционеров, "Partija Socialistov-revoljucionerov")
* Trudoviks
* Unity ("Yedineniye")
* Merged into United Russia:
** Unity Party of Russia
** Fatherland - All Russia
** Our Home is Russia
* Merged into Fair Russia:
** People's Party of the Russian Federation (Народная партия Российской Федерации, "Narodnaya partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii")
** Rodina or Motherland-National Patriotic Union (Партия "РОДИНА", "Rodina - Narodno-Patrioticheskiy Soyuz")
** Russian Party of Life (Российская партия жизни, "Rossiyskaya Partiya Zhizni")
** Russian Pensioners' Party (Российская партия пенсионеров, "Rossiyskaya Partiya Pensionerov")
** United Socialist Party of Russia (Социалистическая единая партия России, "Sotsialisticheskaya yedinaya partiya Rossii")
* Social Democratic Party of Russia (Социал-демократическая партия России, Social-Demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii)

Historical minor parties

* All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks (Всесоюзная Коммунистическая партия большевиков, ВКПБ, Vsesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya bol'shevikov, VKPb)
* Beer Lovers Party (Партия любителей пива, "Partiâ lûbitelej piva")
* Christian Democratic Party of Russia
* Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1992) (Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза, KPSS '92)
* Conservative Party of Russia
* Democratic Union (Russia) (Демократический Союз, "Demokraticheskiy soyuz")
* Eurasia Party (Евразия, "Yevraziya")
* For Holy Russia (За Русь Святую, "Za RusSvyatuyu")
* Green Alternative
* Green Russia
* Great Russia (Великая Россия, "Velikaya Rossiya")
* Jewish Communist Labour Party (Poalei Zion), a 1906-1928 Zionist socialist political party in Russia
* National Bolshevik Party (Национал-большевистская партия, " Nazional-bol'shevitskaya partiya)
* Pamyat (Память, "Pamyat"')
* People's Democratic Union (Russia) (Российский народно-демократический союз, "Rossiiskyi narodno-demokratichesky soyuz")
* People's National Party (Russia) (Народная национальная партия, "Narodnaya natsional'naya partiya")
* Republican Party of Russia (Республиканская партия России, Respublikanskaya partiya Rossii)
* Russian Communist Workers' PartyRevolutionary Party of Communists (Российская Коммунистическая Рабочая ПартияРеволюционная Партия Коммунистов, "Rossiiskaja Kommunističeskaja Rabočaja PartijaRevolyutsionnaja Partija Kommunistov")
* Russian Maoist Party (Российская маоистская партия, Rossiyskaya maoistskaya partiya)
* [ Russian Movement " Ave Maria "]
* Russian National Socialist Party (previously Russian National Union) (Русская Национальная Социалистическая Партия, Russkaya Natsional'naya Socialisticheskaya partiya)
* Russian National Unity (Русское Национальное Единство, Russkoye Natsional'noye Yedinstvo)
* Union of Social-Democrats


ee also

* Index of political parties to browse parties by name
* List of political parties to browse parties by country
* List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by name
* Membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals

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