List of political parties in Greece

List of political parties in Greece

Under the current electoral system, a party needs to surpass a 3% threshold in the popular vote in order to enter parliament. In the last Parliamentary elections, held in 2007, five parties entered parliament: New Democracy, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) and the Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.O.S.).

In the two-party system which characterizes the Greek political system, the dominant parties are New Democracy and the Panhellenic Socialist Movement.

Parties represented in the current Parliament and European Parliament

* New Democracy (Greek: Νέα Δημοκρατία) - ΝΔ ("ND") (Conservative, right)
* Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Greek: Πανελλήνιο Σοσιαλιστικό Κίνημα) - ΠΑΣΟΚ ("PASOK") (Social democratic, centre-left)
* Communist Party of Greece (Greek: Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας) - KKE (Communist)
* Coalition of the Radical Left (Greek: Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς) - ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ("SYRIZA") (Radical left)
* Popular Orthodox Rally or Popular Rally (Greek: Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερμός) - ΛΑ.Ο.Σ. ("LA.O.S.") (Right-wing populism)

Minor parties

* ASPIDA - (Greek: "Ανεξάρτητη Συσπείρωση Πολιτών Ιδιαίτερου Αυτοπροσδιορισμού ΡΟΜ"), formed in January 2006 to represent the Greek Roma community)
* Communist Organization of Greece (Greek: Κομμουνιστική Οργάνωση Ελλάδας) - Κ.Ο.Ε. (Communist Left)
* Communist Organization "Redeployment" (Greek: Κομμουνιστική Οργάνωση "Ανασύνταξη") (Marxist-Leninist)
* Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) (Greek: Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας (μαρξιστικό-λενινιστικό) - K.K.E. (m-l)) (Maoist Left)
* Democratic Social Movement (Greek:ημοκρατικό Κοινωνικό Κίνημα") - DI.K.KI. (Democratic Socialist)
* Democratic Revival Greek:ημοκρατική Αναγέννηση") (Populist)
* Ecologists Greece (Greek: "Οικολόγοι Ελλάδας") (Green)
* Ecologist Greens (Greek: "Οικολόγοι Πράσινοι") (Greens)
* Fighting Socialist Party of Greece (Greek: "Αγωνιστικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας ") - A.S.K.E. (Socialist)
* Golden Dawn (Greek: "Χρυσή Αυγή") - Hrisi Avgi (Nationalist - National Socialist)
* Liberal Alliance ( _el. "Φιλελεύθερη Συμμαχία" Φ.Σ.) - Fileleftheri Simmakhia FS (Liberal)
* Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece (Greek: "Μαρξιστικό - Λενινιστικό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας") - M.-L. K.K.E (Maoist Left)
* Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 (Greek: "Κίνηση για την Ανασύνταξη του ΚΚΕ 1918-55") (Stalinist Left)
* Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece (Greek: "Οργάνωση για την Ανασυγκρότηση του ΚΚΕ") - Ο.Α.Κ.Κ.Ε. (Maoist Left)
* Party of Greek Hunters (Greek: "Κόμμα Ελλήνων Κυνηγών" K.Ε.Κ.) - Κomma Ellinon Kinigon KEK (sectional interest, hunters' rights)
* Radical Left Front (Greek: "Μέτωπο Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς")- ME.R.A. (Radical Left)
* Renewing Communist Ecological Left (Greek: "Ανανεωτική Κομμουνιστική Οικολογική Αριστερά") - A.K.O.A. (ex-Eurocommunist)
* Socialist Workers' Party (Greek: "Σοσιαλιστικό Εργατικό Κόμμα") - S.E.K. (Revolutionary Left)
* Union of Centrists (Greek: "Ένωση Κεντρώων") - E.K. (UC) (Centrist Social Democrats)
* Union of the Democratic Centre (Greek: "Ένωση Δημοκρατικού Κέντρου") - Enosi Dimokratiko Kentrou, E.DI.K. (Liberal / Social-Democratic)

Defunct parties

Parties during the reign of King Otto (1833-1862)

* English Party ( _el. "Άγγλικό Κόμμα") (liberal, pro-English) (1833-1863)
* French Party ( _el. "Γαλλικό Κόμμα") (liberal, pro-French) (1833-1863)
* Russian Party ( _el. "Ρώσσικο Κόμμα") (conservative, pro-Russian) (1833-1863)

Parties during the reign of King George I (1863-1913)

* Liberal Party (Greek:"Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων") (Liberal) (1910-1961)
* Nationalist Party (Greek: "Κόμμα Εθνικόφρονων", K.E.) - Komma Ethnikofronon, KE (conservative) (1865-1909)
* Modernist Party (Greek: "Νεωτεριστικόν Κομμα", Ν.Κ.) - Neoteristikon Komma, ΝΚ (Liberal) (1875-1910)

Parties during the reign of King Constantine I - George II (1913-1924)

* Freethinkers' Party (Greek: "Κόμμα των Ελευθερόφρονων" K.E.) - Komma Eleftherofronon (Nationalist, Royalist) (1922-1936)
* Liberal Party (Greek:"Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων") (Liberal) (1910-1961)
* People's Party (Greek: "Λαϊκόν Κόμμα" Λ.Κ.) LK - Laiko Komma (Conservative, Royalist) (1920-1958)

Parties during the Second Hellenic Republic (1924-1935)

* Agrarian Party (Greek: "Άγροτικό Κόμμα" A.K.) - Agrotikon Komma AK (1926-1956)
* Conservative Democratic Party ( _el. "Συντιριτικό Δημοκρατικόν Κόμμα" Σ.Δ.Κ.) - Syntiritiko Demokratikon Komma SDK (1932-1936)
* Democratic Union (Greek:ημοκρατική Ένωσις" Δ.E.) - Demokratiki Enosis (Liberal) (1926-?)
* Democratic Socialist Party of Greece (Greek:ημοκρατικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδος", ΔΣΚ) - DSK (Democratic Socialist) (19351950)
* Farmersand WorkersParty ( _el. "Άγροτικόν και Έργατικόν Κόμμα" Α.Ε.Κ.) - Agrotikon kai Ergatikon Komma/Agrotergatiko Komma AEK (Rural radical) (1932-1936)
* General People's Radical Union ( _el. "Γενική Λαïκή Ριζοσπαστική Ένωση" Γ.Λ.Ρ.Ε) - Geniki Laiki Rizospastiki Enosis GLRE (??) (1932-1936)
* Liberal Party (Greek:"Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων") (Liberal) (1910-1961)
* Greek National Socialist Party (Greek: "Ελληνικό Εθνικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα") - Elliniko Ethniko Sosialistiko Komma (National Socialist) (1932)
* Jewish Political Union (Greek: ??) - ?? (1926-?)
* Macedonian Union ( _el. ?? ??) – ?? (Conservative) (1935)
* National Radical Party ( _el. "Εθνική Ριζοσπαστική Κόμμα" E.Ρ.K.) - Ethnikon Rizospastikon Komma ERK (Conservative) (1932-1936)
* National Unionist Party (Greek: "Εθνικόν Ενωτικόν Κόμμα" Ε.Ε.Κ.)– Ethnikon Enotikon Komma EEK (19351950)
* People's Party (Greek: "Λαϊκόν Κόμμα" Λ.Κ.) LK - Laiko Komma (Conservative, Royalist) (1920-1958)
* Progressive Party ( _el. "Προοδευτικόν Κόμμα" Π.Κ.) - Proodeftikon Komma PK (1928-1964, 1981)
* Refugees' Liberal Party (Greek: "Φιλελευθέρων Προσφιγικόν Κόμμα" Φ.Π.Κ.) - Fileleftheron Prosfijikon Komma FPK (1926-?)
* Union of Royalists ( _el. "Ένωσις Βασιλικών EB) – Enosis Vasilikon (Monarchist-Conservative) (1935)

Parties during the restoration of King George II (1936-1946)

* Agrarian Party (Greek: "Άγροτικό Κόμμα" A.K.) - Agrotikon Komma AK (1926-1956)
* Conservative Democratic Party ( _el. "Συντιριτικό Δημοκρατικόν Κόμμα" Σ.Δ.Κ.) - Syntiritiko Demokratikon Komma SDK (1932-1936)
* Democratic Socialist Party of Greece (Greek:ημοκρατικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδος", ΔΣΚ) - DSK (Democratic Socialist) (19351950)
* Democratic Union (Greek:ημοκρατική Ένωσις" Δ.E.) - Demokratiki Enosis (Liberal) (1926-?)
* Farmersand WorkersParty ( _el. "Άγροτικόν και Έργατικόν Κόμμα" Α.Ε.Κ.) - Agrotikon kai Ergatikon Komma/Agrotergatiko Komma AEK (Rural radical) (1932-1936)
* General People's Radical Union ( _el. "Γενική Λαïκή Ριζοσπαστική Ένωση" Γ.Λ.Ρ.Ε) - Geniki Laiki Rizospastiki Enosis GLRE (??) (1932-1936)
* Liberal Party (Greek:"Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων") (Liberal) (1910-1961)
* National Party of Greece ( _el. "Εθνικόν Κόμμα 'Ελλάδος" E.Κ.E.) - Ethnikon Komma Ellados E.K.E. (Monarchist-Conservative) (1946-1967)
* National People's Party ( _el. "Εθνικόν Λαϊκόν Κόμμα" E.Λ.Κ.) - Ethniko Laiko Komma E.L.K. (1936)
* National Political Union E.P.E. (Greek: "Εθνική Πολιτική Ένωσις" Ε.Π.Ε.) - Ethniki Politiki Enosis, E.P.E. (Liberal) (1946)
* National Radical Party ( _el. "Εθνική Ριζοσπαστική Κόμμα" E.Ρ.K.) - Ethnikon Rizospastikon Komma ERK (Conservative) (1932-1936)
* National Unionist Party (Greek: "Εθνικόν Ενωτικόν Κόμμα" Ε.Ε.Κ.)– Ethnikon Enotikon Komma EEK (19351950)
* People's Party (Greek: "Λαϊκόν Κόμμα" Λ.Κ.) LK - Laiko Komma (Conservative, Royalist) (1920-1958)
* Progressive Party ( _el. "Προοδευτικόν Κόμμα" Π.Κ.) - Proodeftikon Komma PK (1928-1964, 1981)
* Reform Party ( _el. "Μεταρρυθμιστικόν Κόμμα" M.K.) - Metarrythmistikon Komma MK (1936)
* Union of Agrarian Parties ( _el. "Ένωσις Άγροτικόν Κομμάτων" Ε.Α.Κ.) – Enosis Agrotikon Kommaton EAK (Agrarian) (1946)
* Union of the Nationally Minded (Greek: "Ένωσις Εθνικοφόρων" Ε.Ε.) – Enosis Ethnikofronon, ΕE (Monarchist-Conservative) (1946)
* United Order of Patriot-Thinkers ( _el. "Ηνομένοι Παράταξις Εθνικόφρονων" Η.Π.Ε.) – Inomeni Parataxis Ethnikofronon I.P.E. (Conservative) (1946)

Parties during the reigns of Kings Paul and Constantine II (1946-1973)

*4th of August Party (Greek: "Κόμμα 4ης Αυγούστου") - Κ4Α (Nationalist) (1965-1977)
* Center Union (Greek: "Ένωση Κέντρου") - Enosi Kentrou, E.K. (Liberal) (1961-1967)
* Christian Democracy ( _el. "Χριστιανική Δημοκρατία" ) - Christianikē Dēmokratia(socialist) (1963)
* Democratic Socialist Party of Greece (Greek:ημοκρατικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδος", ΔΣΚ) - DSK (Democratic Socialist) (19351950)
* Greek Rally (Greek: "Ελληνικός Συναγερμός" Ε.Σ.) - Ellinikos Synagermos E.S. (Conservative, Royalist) (1951-1956)
* Politically Independent Camp ((Greek: "Πολιτική Ανεξάρτητός Παράταξις" Π.Α.Π.) - Politiki Anexartitos Parataxis PAP (Metaxist) (1950-?)
* Left Liberals (Greek: "Αριστεροί Φιλελεύθεροι" Α.Φ.) - Aristeroi Fileleutheroi AF (communist) (1950-?)
* Liberal Democratic Center (Greek: "Φιλελεύθερον Δημοκρατικόν Κέντρον" Φ.Δ.Κ.)– Filelefthero Dimokratiko Kentro FDK (Liberal) (19651966)
* Liberal Democratic Union ( _el. Φιλελεύθερη Δημοκρατική Ένωση Φ.Δ.Ε.) - coalition of Republican and Liberal parties (1956)
* Liberal Party (Greek:"Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων") (Liberal) (1910-1961)
* Movement for Democracy and Socialism ( _el. "Κίνημα Δημοκρατίας και Σοσιαλισμού") - (socialist) (1963)
* National Party of Greece ( _el. Εθνικόν Κόμμα 'Ελλάδος E.Κ.E.) - Ethnikon Komma Ellados E.K.E. (Monarchist-Conservative) (1946-1967)
* National Progressive Center Union (Greek: "Εθνική Προοδευτική Ένωσις Κέντρου" E.Π.Ε.Κ.) – Ethniki Proodeutiki Enosi Kentrou EPEK (1952)
* National Progressive Party (Greek:ημοκρατικό Προοδευτικό Κόμμα" Δ.Π.Κ.) - Dimokratiko Proodeutiko Komma DPK (1950-?)
* National Radical Union ( _el. "Εθνική Ριζοσπαστική Ένωσις" E.Ρ.E.) - Ethniki Rizospastiki Enosis E.R.E. (Conservative, Royalist) (1955-1967)
* New Party (Greek: "Νέο Κόμμα" N.K.) - Neo Komma NK (conservative) (1950-?)
* Pandemocratic Agrarian Front ( _el. ?? ??) – ?? (Socialist) (1961)
* Party of Christian Democracy ( _el. ?? ) – ?? (?) (1956)
* Party of I. Sofianopoulos ((Greek: "Κόμμα του Ι. Σοφιανόπουλου") - Komma tou I. Sofianopoulou (communist) (1950-?)
* Party of Progressive Liberals (Greek: "Κόμματος των Προοδευτικών Φιλελευθέρων") - Kommatos ton Prodethikon Fileleutheron (liberal) (1950-?)
* People's Social Party (Greek: "Λαϊκόν Κοινωνικόν Κόμμα" Λ.Κ.Κ.) – Laikon Koinonikon Komma LKK (1955)
* Progressive Party ( _el. "Προοδευτικόν Κόμμα" Π.Κ.) - Proodeftikon Komma PK (1928-1964, 1981)
* Progressive Rural Democratic Union ( _el. ?? ) - ?? (1958)
* Rally of Farmers and Workers ( _el. ?? Parataxis Agroton kai Ergazomenon) - ?? (Agrarian) (1951-1952)
* Socialist Party-Democratic Popular Union (Greek: "Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα-Ένωση Λαïκής Δημοκρατίας" Σ.Κ.-Ε.Λ.Δ.) - Sosialistiko Komma-Enosi Laikis Dimokratias SK-ELD (Communist) (1950-1952)
* Union of the People's Party ( _el. ?? ) – ?? (?) (1958)
* United Democratic Left ( _el. "Ενιαία Δημοκρατική Αριστερά" Ε.Δ.Α. - Eniaia Dimokratiki Aristera EDA (Communist) (19511977)

Parties during the Third Hellenic Republic (1974-present)

* Center Union - New Forces (Greek:"Ένωσις Κέντρου-Νέες Δυνάμεις") - Enosi Kentrou-Nees Dynameis (Liberal) (1974-1977)
* Democratic Alignment (Greek:ημοκρατική Παράταξη" Δ.Π.) - Dimokratiki Parataxi DP (1977)
* Democratic Renewal (Greek:ημοκρατική Ανανέωση" DH.ANA) - Dimokratiki Ananeosi DIANA (Conservative) (1985-1994)
* Democratic Revival ( _el. Δημοκρατική Αναγέννηση Δ.Α.) - Dimokratiki Anagenissi DA (Conservative) (2004, 2007-)
* Front Line (Greek: "Πρώτη Γραμμή") - Proti Grammi (Nationalist) (1999-?)
* Hellenic Front (Greek: "Ελληνικό Μέτωπο") - Elliniko Metopo (Nationalist, Rightist) (1994-2004)
* Hellenic Women's Political Party (Greek: "Κόμμα Ελληνίδων Γυναικών") - Komma Ellinidon Ginaikon (Feminist) (?-?)
* Independent Muslim List ( _el. ? ) - ?? (1985-1990)
* Liberal Democratic Union-Socialist Party ( _el. Φιλελεύθερη Δημοκρατική Ένωση-Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Φ.Δ.Ε.-Σ.Κ.) - ?? (1974)
* The Liberals (Greek: "Οι Φιλελεύθεροι") - Oi Fileleftheroi (Liberal) (1999-2004)
* Movement of Free Citizens (Greek: "Κίνημα Ελευθέρων Πολιτών", Κ.Ε.Π.) - Kinima Eleftheron Politon K.E.P. (Right of Center) (2001-2002)
* Movement for a United Communist Party of Greece ( _el. Κίνηση για Ενιαίο ΚΚΕ) (communist) (1993-1996)
* National Alignment (Greek: "Εθνική Παράταξις" Ε.Π.)- Ethniki Parataxis (E.P.) (Nationalist, Royalist) (1977)
* National Democratic Union ( _el. ?? ) - ?? (?) (1974)
* National Political Union E.P.EN. (Greek: "Εθνική Πολιτική Ένωσις" Ε.Π.ΕΝ.) - Ethniki Politiki Enosis, E.P.EN. (Rightist, Nationalist) (1984-?)
* Organisation of Communists Marxists-Leninists of Greece ( _el. Οργάνωση Κομμουνιστών Μαρξιστών-Λενινιστών Ελλάδας ΟΚΜΛΕ) (communist) (1982-1993)
* Party of Democratic Socialism ( _el. Κόμμα του Δημοκρατικού Σοσιαλισμού ΚΟΔΗΣΟ) – Komma tou Dimokratikou Sosialismou KODISO (socialist) (1981-)
* Patriotic Alliance (Greek: "Πατριωτική Συμμαχία") - Patriotiki Symmachia - PATRI.S. (Nationalist) (2004-2007)
* Party of Hellenism (Greek: "Κόμμα Ελληνισμού") - Komma Ellinismou (Nationalist) (1984-2004)
* Party of New Liberals ( _el. Kόμμα των Nεοφιλελευθέρων K.N.) – Komma ton Neofileftheron KN (Liberal) (1977-1978)
* Peoples Democratic Unity ( _el. ?? ) - LDE (1977)
* Political Spring (Greek: "Πολιτική Άνοιξη") - POL.AN (Right-Conservative) (1993-2004)
* Progressive Party ( _el. "Προοδευτικόν Κόμμα" Π.Κ.) - Proodeftikon Komma PK (1928-1964, 1981)
* Republican Union (Greek:ημοκρατική Ένωσις" Δ.Ε.) – Dimokratiki Enosis DE
* Rainbow (Greek: Ουράνιο Τόξο "Ouránio Tóxo", Slavic Macedonian: Виножито "Vinožito")
* Revolutionary Communist Party of Greece ( _el. "Επαναστατικό Κουμουνιστικό Κόμμα 'Ελλάδος" ) – Epanastatiko Koumounistiko Komma Ellados-EKKE (communist) (1974)
* United Democratic Left ( _el. Ενιαία Δημοκρατική Αριστερά Ε.Δ.Α.) - Enomeni Aristera EA (Socialist) (1951-1977)
* United Nationalist Movement ( _el. Ενιαίο Εθνικιστικό Κίνημα ΕΝ.Ε.Κ.) - Eniaio Ethnikistiko Kinima ENEK (Extreme Right) (1979-c. 1989)

See also

* Index of political parties to browse parties by name
* List of political parties to browse parties by country
* List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by name
* Membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals

Further reading

* cite journal
quotes =
last = Lyrintzis
first = Christos
authorlink =
coauthors =
date =
year = 2005
month = March
title = The Changing Party System: Stable Democracy, Contested 'Modernisation'
journal = West European Politics
volume = 28
issue = 2
pages = 242259
issn =
pmid =
doi =
id =
url =
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* cite journal
quotes =
last = Pappas
first = Takis S.
authorlink =
coauthors =
date =
year = 2003
month = April
title = The transformation of the Greek party system since 1951
journal = West European Politics
volume = 26
issue = 2
pages = 90114
issn =
pmid =
doi =
id =
url =
language =
format =
accessdate =
laysummary =
laysource =
laydate =
quote =

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