- Monoidal monad
In category theory, a monoidal monad (T,η,μ,m) is a monad (T,η,μ) on a monoidal category
such that the functor
is a lax monoidal functor with
as coherence maps, and the natural transformations
are monoidal natural transformations.
By monoidality of η, the morphisms m and ηI are necessarily equal.
This is equivalent to saying that a monoidal monad is a monad in the 2-category MonCat of monoidal categories, monoidal functors, and monoidal natural transformations.
The Kleisli category of a monoidal monad has a canonical monoidal structure, induced by the monoidal structure of the monad. The canonical adjunction between C and the Kleisli category is a monoidal adjunction with respect to this monoidal structure.
Categories:- Monoidal categories
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