

A roton is an elementary excitation, or quasiparticle, in superfluid Helium-4. The dispersion relation of elementary excitations in this superfluid shows a linear increase from the origin, but exhibits first a maximum and then a minimum in energy as the momentum increases. Excitations with momenta in the linear region are called phonons; those with momenta close to the minimum are called rotons. Excitations with momenta near the maximum are sometimes called maxons.

ee also


[ Feynman, RP, "Superfluidity and Superconductivity", Rev.Mod.Phys.29, 205 (1957)]

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  • roton — [ʀɔtɔ̃] n. m. ÉTYM. 1971, la Recherche; du lat. rotare « tourner », et suff. on, de proton, neutron, etc. ❖ ♦ Phys. Excitation thermique élémentaire quantifiée (associée à une quantité de mouvement et à une énergie et donc assimilée à une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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