Jelena Gruba

Jelena Gruba

Jelena Gruba (Cyrillic:Јелена Груба) (English: Helen the Tough) was the Queen regnant of Bosnia in 1395-1398. She was the first and only female ruler of Bosnia. She had only one daughter with her predecessor, King Stjepan Dabiša, Stana, who was married to Đurađ Radivojević.

Jelena Gruba was to brought to power by the large Bosnian nobility, the "Bosnian Rusag" and it is during her reign that the Bosnian nobility grows in power independently from the crown. Amongst them were the famous Dukes Sandalj Hranić and Hrvoje Vukčić and Prince Pavle Radenović that ruled their own demesnes independently from the Queen. The Queen's demesne was a small territory in central Bosnia, while she lost the suzeiranity over the territories of Usora in the valley of the river of Sava.


See also

* House of Kotromanić
* History of Bosnia and Herzegovina


* "Српске династије, Andrija Veselinović and Radoš Ljušić, 2001, Novi Sad"

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