Real Solution 9

Real Solution 9

Infobox Single
Name = Real Solution #9

Artist = White Zombie
from Album =
Released = 1995
Format = CD single
Recorded = 1995 at NRG Studios, Los Angeles
Genre = Alternative metal, Groove metal
Length = 4:44
Label = Geffen
Producer = Terry Date
Writer = Rob Zombie White Zombie
Last single = "More Human Than Human" (1995)
This single = "Real Solution #9" (1995)
Next single = "Super-Charger Heaven" (1996) Extra track listing
Album =
Type = single
Tracks =
# "Electric Head Pt. 1 (The Agony)"
# "Super-Charger Heaven"
# "Real Solution #9"
# "Creature of the Wheel"
# "Electric Head Pt. 2 (The Ecstasy)"
# "Grease Paint and Monkey Brains"
# "I, Zombie"
# "More Human Than Human"
# "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama"
# "Blur the Technicolor"
# "Blood, Milk and Sky"
"Real Solution #9" is a song off the "" album by White Zombie which was used as a promo single in 1995. The song is about the actions of Charles Manson and his "family". The song's name is a spin play on the title of the song "Revolution #9" by The Beatles, from whom Charles Manson derived many of his theories. The song features many audio samples taken from an interview of Diane Sawyer who was speaking to one of the Charles Manson "family" women and an audio clip of Charles Manson speaking the words "I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I walk a line". The audio sample "are you hurt in any way? Do you feel like hurting yourself?" is from the television series COPS. The song also contains the tag line "Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them?" from the movie "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" poster in the lyrics. The distortion in Rob Zombie's vocals is caused by Power Rangers walkie talkies, which he uses throughout the song. It was the final song to be recorded for the "Astro-Creep: 2000" album. Also, a remix version of this song can be found on the EP "Supersexy Swingin' Sounds".

Track listing

# "Real Solution #9 (LP Version)" - 4:44
# "Electric Head Pt.2 (The Ecstasy) (The Creature Feature 56 Mix)" - 4:55
# "Electric Head Pt.2 (The Ecstasy) (Shut Up And Kill Mix)" - 4:55
# "Real Solution #9 (Clean Edit)" - 3:44


*Charlie Clouser - Programing, Keyboards, Rexixed Tracks 2 & 3
*Terry Date - Producer, Mixing
*Lamont Hyde - Recording and Mixing Assistant
*Ted Jensen - Mastering
*Wade Norton - Recording and Mixing Assistant
*John Tempesta - Drums
*Ulrich Wild - Recording
*J. - Guitar
*Sean Yseult - Bass, Art Direction
*Rob Zombie - Vocals, Lyricist, Art Direction, Illustrations

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