1 E+2 m²

1 E+2 m²

To help compare sizes of various objects, we list here areas between 100 and 1,000 m². Most private homes and four bedroom apartments fall in this size range. "See also" areas of other orders of magnitude.

* Areas smaller than 100 m²
* 100 m² are equal to:
** 1 E+2 m²
** 1 a (are),
** 1 dam² (square decametre),
** 1,080 square feet.
** A square of this area has a side length of 10 m.
** A cube of this surface area has an edge length of 4.08 m.
** A circle of this area has a radius of 5.64 m.
** A sphere of this surface area has a radius of 2.82 m.
* 144 m² -- size of an amateur wrestling ring (12 × 12 m)
* 162 m² -- size of a volleyball court (9 × 18 m)
* 260.87 m² -- size of a tennis court
* 358 m² -- Concorde wing area
* 420 m² -- size of a basketball court (15 × 28 m)
* 438 m² -- Tupolev Tu-144 wing area
* 550 m² -- Sealand
* 666⅔ m² -- one Chinese mu
* 819 m² -- size of the Stonehenge
* Areas larger than 1,000 m²

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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