

The Cauda is a characteristic feature of songs in the Conductus style of "a cappella" music which flourished between the mid-12th and the mid-13th century. The conductus style placed strict rules on composition, and some such rules were devoted to the cauda, which came at the penultimate syllable of each verse. It takes the form of a lengthy section of counterpoint - where several simultaneous melodies are combined into one - slurred over the one syllable. The cauda was repeated in each verse.

The significance of the cauda in Conductus music is such that most Conducti were divided into the categories "Conductus cum Cauda" and "Conductus sine cauda" (Conductus with or without Cauda.) The latter made up less than a third of the repertoire.

The writing of mediaeval music did not include strict rhythmic notation, but when multiple notes were given to one syllable, known as a melisma, special notation, known as rhythmic modes, were used. As the cauda is a specific type of melisma, it contains this special notation.

The word "cauda" is derived from the Latin word for tail. Conceptually, it is easy to see in the cauda, the root of the modern term, coda, which arrived when Latin was replaced by Italian as the musical lingua franca.

Two notable examples occur in "Vetus Abit Littera", a four-voice Christmas conductus from the Florence manuscript, and "Dic Christi, Veritas", a tirade against clerical hypocrisy written by Philip the Chancellor. The latter is found in the Carmina burana manuscript in a monophonic version and in the Paris sources in an elaborate three-voice setting, laden with caudae.

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* New Grove Dictionary of Music
* Richard Taruskin, ed., Oxford History of Western Music (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) Volume 1.

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  • cauda — s. f. 1. Apêndice posterior móvel do corpo de alguns animais. 2. Conjunto das penas do uropígio das aves. = RABO 3. Parte oposta à cabeça dos peixes. = RABO 4. Parte posterior, geralmente alongada, de algo (ex.: cauda do avião). = RETAGUARDA… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • CAUDA — in aliis animalibus Hebraice Zanab; in ove Aliah, dicitur, voce maxime propriâ. Exodi c. 29. v. 22. Et capies ex ariete adipem et caudam. Et Levit. c. 3, v. 9. de agno, qui offertur in sacrificium Eucharisticum, caudam integram usque ad cocoygem …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cauda —   [lateinisch »Schweif«, »Schwanz«] die, /...dae, Anatomie: sich verjüngender Abschnitt von Organen; z. B. Cauda equina, das pferdeschweifförmige Nervenfaserbündel am Ende des Rückenmarks.   * * * Cau|da, die; [lat. cauda = Schweif, Schwanz]: 1.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cauda — cáuda s. f., g. d. art. cáudei Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  cáuda s. f. 1. (anat.) Partea subţiată posterioară ori terminală a unui organism sau organ. 2. (muz.) Coda. (< lat. cauda) Trimis de claudia, 13 …   Dicționar Român

  • Cauda — (lat.), 1) Schwanz; 2) (Bot.), fadenförmiges Anhängsel; daher Caudātus, geschwänzt; 3) C. equīna (Anat.), Pferdeschweif, die letzte Endigung des Rückenmarks; 4) Cauda ceti, Stern, s. Deneb Kaitos …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • cauda — (Del lat. cauda, cola). f. Falda o cola de la capa magna o consistorial …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Cauda — (lat.), Schwanz; C. equina, Pferdeschwanz, die aus dem Ende des Rückenmarks entspringenden Nerven (s. Rückenmark) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cauda — (lat.), Schwanz; C. equīna, Pferdeschweif, die untersten Nervenstränge des Rückenmarks …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • cauda — (Del lat. cauda, cola.) ► sustantivo femenino Cola de la capa magna de los arzobispos. * * * cauda (del lat. «cauda», cola) f. *Cola de la capa magna de los *obispos y arzobispos. * * * cauda. (Del lat. cauda, cola). f. Falda o cola de la capa… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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