Georg Adlersparre

Georg Adlersparre

Infobox Military Person
name=Georg Adlersparre
lived=March 28, 1760 - September 23, 1835

rank=Major General
battles=Russo-Swedish War
laterwork=County governor of Skaraborg County, 1810-1824

Count Georg Adlersparre (March 28 1760 - September 23 1835) was a Swedish army commander.

Adlersparre was born in the Swedish province of Jämtland. Having entered the army at the age of 15, he received from King Gustav III, in 1791, a secret commission to excite the Norwegians to rebellion. After the death of the king, he left the army and devoted himself to science. In 1797-1800, he published a periodical, and the liberal spirit in which he conducted it brought upon him the suspicions of the government.

In 1809 he unexpectedly received the command of a part of the so-called western army, and was shortly afterward promoted to the post of lieutenant-colonel. He was engaged in the conspiracy against Gustav IV, and received many distinguished honors at the hands of the new government. Having received the command of the army, he was commissioned to excite the Norwegians against Denmark, in which he was unsuccessful.

After the sudden death of the crown prince he retired from public life, but still continued to receive marks of royal favor, notwithstanding the liberality of his sentiments. He died at Wermland in 1835.

His oldest son, Karl August Adlersparre, has distinguished himself as a poet.


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