World Tenpin Bowling Association

World Tenpin Bowling Association

The World Tenpin Bowling Association of the Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs is a Ten-pin bowling organisation which independently formulates its own policies, which may not conflict with FIQ Statutes. They also promulgate and enforce playing rules and equipment specifications, conduct world championships, oversee zone championships and grant approval for other international tournaments.


International bowling began during the 1930's under the International Bowling Federation. The attempt to unite all the bowlers in the world created Federation International de Quillers (FIQ) in 1952.

Worldwide Zones

It is divided into the following geographical Zones:
*American Bowling Federation [] which consists of North and South America
*Asian Bowling Federation [] which consists of Asia, Australia, Western Pacific
*European Tenpin Bowling Federation [] which consists of Europe and Africa and is host top the European Bowling Tour (similar to that of the PBA's Tour)

National organizations qualify to become FIQ member federations based on certain admission criteria. Currently, the FIQ has 123 members. In some cases, the member represents only the Tenpin discipline or the Ninepin discipline. In other cases the member represents both disciplines.

The FIQ Presidium (similar to an Executive Committee) is responsible for legislative matters, membership fees, fiscal plans and general administration of FIQ programs. It also has authority to hear and determine disputes between FIQ members or between FIQ members and WTBA.

External links

* [ WTBA official website]
* [ Bowlinglinks all over the World, sorted by categories]

ee also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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