World Ninepin Bowling Association

World Ninepin Bowling Association

The Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) is the World Bowling Federation. The FIQ is subdivided into two disciplines, the World Ninepin Bowling Association (WNBA) and the World Tenpin Association (WTBA).

The FIQ was founded in the year of 1953 in Hamburg while both sub organisations were established in the year of 1973 in London by FIQ itself. The objective of establishing two sub organisations was achieving an effective form of organisation of both Ninepin Bowling (WNBA) and Tenpin Bowling (WTBA).

The WNBA counts approximately 250.000 members in 26 countries on three continents (EUROPE, South America and Asia).

Because of different types of skittle alleys, the WNBA has three sections:

Bohle (NBB) Classic (NBC) Schere (NBS)

The section of the WNBA organises World and Continental Championships for all age groups as well as for World and Continental Single and Team Competitions. Furthermore International Matches and International Competition Events regularly take place.

Over the course of the centuries Ninepin Bowling has developed to an accepted high-performance sport which highly requires technical skills and body condition. Pure playful element still attracts recreational sports people on skittle alleys.

Approximately 50 years ago, the pin was set up by hand. Today microprocessors steer high modern automatic machine which set up pins as well as display screens for results. Instead of wood-pin and wood-balls, plastic ones are made today. Bohle and Schere lanes require wood or plastic running surface. Classic ones have exclusively plastic running surfaces implemented by using plastic-coating or building material in form of segment-plates.

Skittle alleys suited for the ninepin bowling sport have to be built according to WNBA technical standards. Moreover they must undergo scrutiny of responsible sections or national associations of ninepin bowling sport. Therewith is provided that athletic competitions worldwide take place under same unitary conditions. Before use of automatic machine which set up pins, running surfaces, pins and balls internationally, it is necessary that they pass test procedure. This procedure should provide the accreditation of WNBA that is for all national associations of ninepin bowling sport obliged.

For all responsible in the WNBA is one of the most important goals to disseminate ninepin bowling all over the world and to win further nations as WNBA’s members.

External Links

* [ Internet site of the WNBA] (in german)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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