Islands of Earthsea

Islands of Earthsea

The Islands of Earthsea are the several islands that make up the lands of the largely oceanic fantasy world of Earthsea in the stories of Ursula K. Le Guin.

List of Islands and Places

The names below are given as found in the map on the endpapers of "Tales from Earthsea", with variants found elsewhere given in parentheses. Indented names are locations on the islands.

*The Allernots – islands of the North Reach.
*Andrad – an island of the northeastern Archipelago. (444 sq. mi/1135 km²)
*The Andrades – islands of the northeastern Archipelago, near Andrad
*Apso – an island of the East Reach (25 sq. mi/64 km²)
*Ark – an island of the Archipelago, in the Inmost Sea. (200 sq. mi/512 km²)
*Arrins – an island of the West Reach, between Kaltuel and Faltuel
*Astowell – the furthest southeast island of the East Reach, also known as Lastland. (42 sq. mi/108 km²)
*Atnini – an island of the Kargad Lands. (324 sq. mi/830 km²)
*Atuan – an island of the Kargad lands, home of the Tombs, the site of one of the Old Powers. (550 sq. mi/1412 km²)
*Barnisk – an island of the northeast Archipelago. (126 sq. mi/322 km²)
*Bars of Uny – southeastern islands of the Archipelago, north of Uny, eastern border of the Closed Sea
*Bereswek – an island of the North Reach
*Besu – one of two islands in the Pelnish Sea, south of Bishi. In the map in "A Wizard of Earthsea" it is the northern island and the southern one is Esen. In the map in "Tales from Earthsea" it is the southern one and the northern island is Ebishi.
*Bishi – an island of the western Archipelago, near Semel, at the northern end of the Pelnish Sea. (36 sq. mi/92 km²)
*Borth – an island of the North Reach
*Chemish – an island of the North Reach
*Derhemen – an island of the West Reach
*The Dragon’s Run – group of islets in the West Reach, south of Selidor
*Dromgan – one of the Ninety Isles
*Dunnel – an island of the South Reach
*Éa – an island of the Archipelago in the Sea of Éa, between Enlad and Havnor. According to the Earthsea creation myth, "The Creation of Éa", the island of Éa was the first land raised by the creator, Segoy, above the waters. (630 sq. mi/1612 km²)
*Ebéa – an island of the Archipelago, south of Éa. (246 sq. mi/630 km²)
*Ebishi – an island of the Archipelago, south of Bishi. In the "Tales from Earthsea" map only. In the map in "A Wizard of Earthsea" this island is labeled Besu.
*Ebosskil – an island of the northwest Archipelago, southwest of Osskil
*Enlad – an island of the northern Archipelago, home of Morred. Enlad is shaped like a crocodile with an open mouth, hence the bay between the two eastern peninsulas is named "The Jaws". (1290 sq. mi/3302 km²)
*The Enlades – islands of the Archipelago, west of Enlad
*Ensmer – an island of the southwest Archipelago.
*Enwas, North – an island of the North Reach
*Enwas, South – an island of the North Reach
*Eppaln – an island of the western Archipelago, southeast of Paln
*Esen – an island in the Pelnish Sea, just south of Besu. On the map in "A Wizard of Earthsea" only. In the map in "Tales from Earthsea" this island is labeled Besu.
*Eskel – an island of the Archipelago, just east of Havnor
*Ettil – an island of the West Reach
*Faltuel – an island of the West Reach
*Far Sorr – an island of the South Reach
*Far Toly – an island of the East Reach, east of Sneg
*Felkway – an island of the Archipelago, west of Way
*Ferrins – an island of the North Reach
*Gale – an island of the East Reach
*Gar-hirion (Gar-hirien) – a small island east of Éa
*Gate of Selidor – a small island just east of Selidor
*Geath – one of the Ninety Isles, where whale-oil is extracted
*Gmet – an island in the Pelnish Sea
*Gont – an island of the northeast Archipelago, home of such famous wizards as Heleth, Aihal (Ogion), and Ged
**Gont Port
*Gosk – an island of the extreme East Reach
*The Gravels – island group west of Ebosskil, leading north into the "Gut of Osskil"
*Great South Shoals – islands of the South Reach, near The Isle of the Ear
*Hand, East – where Ged met his shadow at the end of a long inlet
*Hand, West – where Ged stayed for several days and obtained the boat "Lookfar"
*Havnor – the largest island of the Archipelago and site of Havnor Great Port, capital of the Kings of Earthsea. It is shaped roughly like a horseshoe. Havnor is about the size of Sicily. (10166 sq. mi/26025 km²)
**Endlane – Village northwest of Mount Onn
**Faliern Mountains (Faliorn Mountains)
**Glade – Town in western Havnor
**Great Port – City at the heart of the world, chief city of the Kingdom of Earthsea
**Onn – Great mountain in the center of Havnor
**Revnian Mountains
**South Port
*Hille – the furthest northwest island of the West Reach
*Hogen Land – the northernmost land of Earthsea, northwest of the North Reach; possibly the southern peninsula of a larger landmass.
*Holp – an island of the East Reach
*Hosk – an island of the Archipelago, west of the Inmost Sea and northeast of the Ninety Isles. Ged met a servant of the Terrenon in Orrimy, the main town here.
*Hur-at-Hur – an island of the Kargad Lands; dragons that have devolved to beasts are found here.
*Iffish – an island of the East Reach, the home of Estarriol (Vetch) and his sister Kest (Yarrow).
*Ilien – an island of the Archipelago, in the Inmost Sea
*Ingat – an island of the West Reach
*Insmer – a small island of the East Reach
*The Isle of the Ear – a large island of the South Reach, uninhabited by men but full of bones.
*Issel – an island in the Inmost Sea
*Jessage – an island of the West Reach
*Kaltuel – an island of the West Reach
*Kameber – a small island of the northwest Archipelago, in the Gontish Sea
*Kamery – an island of the Archipelago, in the Inmost Sea
*Karego-At – an island of the Kargad Lands, home of the capital of the God-King at Awabath.
*Kargad Lands – The four islands of Atnini, Atuan, Hur-at-Hur, and Karego-At.
*Komokome – an island of the North Reach
*Kopp – an island of the East Reach
*Koppish – an island of the East Reach
*Kornay – an island of the extreme East Reach
*Korp – an island of the East Reach
*Lef – an island of the North Reach
*Leng – an island in the Inmost Sea
*Long Dune – an island, or long sandbar in the far South Reach, west of Wellogy
*Lorbanery – an island of the South Reach
*Losso (Lossow) – an island in the Pelnish Sea
*Low Torning – an island of the Ninety Isles, south of Torning
*Misk – an island of the South Reach
*Namien – a southern island of the Archipelago
*Narveduen – an island of the West Reach
*Near Kaltuel – an island of the West Reach, near Kaltuel
*Nesh – one of the Ninety Isles
*The Ninety Isles – islands of the Archipelago between Hosk and Ensmer, west of the Inmost Sea. They include Dromgan, Geath, Low Torning, Nesh, Seppish, Serd, Torning, and Tesk. Depending on what you think constitutes an "island," there may be more or less than ninety.
*Norst – an island of the northwest Archipelago, southeast of Sorresk
*O – a long, skinny island of the Archipelago, between the Inmost Sea and the Closed Sea. (840 sq. mi/2150 km²)
**O Port
*Obb – an island of the West Reach
*Obehol – an island of the South Reach. Called "Ohol" by the Raft People.
*Omer – an island in the Inmost Sea, just south of Havnor
*Onon – an island of the West Reach
*Ontuego – an island of the West Reach
*Orandrad – an island of the northwest Archipelago, east of Andrad
*Oranéa – an island of the Archipelago, east of Éa
*Osskil – a long and skinny northern island of the Archipelago, whose inhabitants speak a non-Hardic language akin to Kargish. The Court of the Terrenon is here, on the Keksemt moors north of Neshum. Osskil is the home to talking ravens. Gelluk (Tinaral) and Benderesk were mages from Osskil; Serret was half-Osskilian. Osskil is the fourth-largest island of Earthsea (after Havnor, Hur-at-Hur and Way). (2142 sq. mi/5484 km²)
*Otrad – an island of the eastern Archipelago, just east of Way. This island is mislabeled "Eskel" on the "Tales from Earthsea" map.
*Outer Innran – an island of the Archipelago, south of Way
*Paln – a western island of the Archipelago; adjective "Pelnish"
*Pelimer – an island of the extreme East Reach
*Pendor – easternmost island of the West Reach, formerly ruled by the dragon-hunting Sealords of Pendor, but laid waste and taken for a home by the dragon Yevaud.
*Perilane – an island of the eastern Archipelago, just south of Way
*Perregal – an island of the northeastern Archipelago, beyond Gont; home of the Mage Ard of Perregal
*Pody – an island of the southwestern Archipelago, where the wizard Ath left his book of names. Otaks are found here.
*Risk – an island of the West Reach
*Rogmy (Rogm, Rogma) – an island of the North Reach
*Roke – an island of the Archipelago, in the Inmost Sea, home of the Immanent Grove and the School for Wizards. Otaks are found here.
*Rolameny – an island of the East Reach
*Rood – an island of the South Reach
*The Sand Isles – islets between Lorbanery and Obehol
*Sattins – an island of the East Reach, where Yevaud dwelt for a few years after seizing Pendor (The Rule of Names)
*Selidor – the westernmost island of the West Reach
*The Sellets – small island group near Soders
*Semel – an island of the western Archipelago, site of Mount Andanden
*Seppish – one of the Ninety Isles
*Set – an island of the South Reach
*Simly – an island of the West Reach
*Sneg – an island of the East Reach
*Soders – an island of the East Reach
*Soléa – a formerly existing island in the sea of Éa between Éa, Enlad, and Taon
*Sorresk – an island of the northwest Archipelago
*Sort – an island of the North Reach
*Sowl – a southern island of the Archipelago
*Spevy – an island of the northeast Archipelago, laid waste by the ravages of the Kargs
*Springwater Isle – originally a sandbar, where Ensar and Anthil, descendants of the house of Hupun, were marooned. Ged gave it its freshwater spring.
*Taon – a northern island of the Archipelago, famous for its harps
*Teeth, North – islands east of Enland, continuing the northern ridge of "The Jaws of Enlad"
*Teeth, South – islands east of Enland, continuing the southern ridge of "The Jaws of Enlad"
*Tesk – an island of the Ninety Isles
*Tok – an island of the East Reach
*Toom – an island of the South Reach
*Toop – an island of the northern Archipelago, south of Osskil
*Torheven – an island of the eastern Archipelago, prey to Kargish invasions
*Torikles – island group of the eastern Archipelago, southeast of Torheven
*The Toringates – island group of the West Reach, east of Ingat
*Torning – an island of the Ninety Isles
*Udrath – a deserted island where the bones of a dragon, thought to be Yevaud, were found (The Rule of Names)
*Ully – an island of the West Reach
*Uny – a southeastern island of the Archipelago
*Usidero – an island of the West Reach
*Vemish – an island of the East Reach
*Venway – an island of the East Reach
*Vissti – an island of the Archipelago, in the Inmost Sea
*Wasny – an island of the South Reach
*Wathort – an island of the Archipelago, populated by pirates and slavers, south of the Inmost Sea
**Hort Town
*Way – an island of the eastern Archipelago, where Erreth-Akbe turned the fountains of Shelieth against the Kargs. Home of the Archmage Gensher of Way. The third-largest island of the Archipelago, it is slightly larger than the Indonesian island of Bali. (2346 sq. mi/6006 km²)
*Waymarsh – a small island or island group southeast of Way
*Wellogy – an island of the South Reach. Called by "Welwai" by the Raft People.
*The Whale Isles – islands of the North Reach, east of Hogen Land
*Yor – an island of the East Reach, east of Sattins

Note on Names

Certain patterns can be seen among the names of the islands and other places:
* Islets associated with a larger island may be noted by the suffix -es, e.g.: Andrad > Andrades, Enlad > Enlades, Ingat > Toringates.
* A small island south of another island may have the prefix Eb-. For example: Éa > Ebéa, Osskil > Ebosskil. Sometimes the b in the prefix is dropped or assimilated to a following sound: Bishi > Ebishi, Paln > Eppaln. Compare also the straits south of Havnor called the "Ebavnor Straits".
* An island east of another island may have the prefix Oran-; for example: Éa > Oranéa. Orandrad (east of Andrad) may come from Oranandrad by haplology.
* The island Soléa, north of Éa, evidently contains the name Éa, but the prefix Sol- is not seen elsewhere. Likewise Felkway contains the name of the island it is just west of, Way. Venway seems to combine parts of the names of the islands west of it (Way) and east (Vemish).
* Many islands end in the suffixes -ish (Chemish, Iffish, Koppish, Seppish, Vemish) and -ins (Arrins, Ferrins, Sattins). The ending -sk is also common (Barnisk, Gosk, Hosk, Misk, Risk, Tesk).

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