

Anahit was the goddess of fertility and birth (analog to Aphrodite), beauty and water in Armenian mythology. In early periods she was the goddess of war. By the 1st century BC she was the main deity in Armenia along with Mithras.

The historian Berossus identifies Anahit with Aphrodite, while medieval Armenian scribes identify her with Artemis.Fact|date=October 2008 According to Strabo, Anahit's worship was dedicated to prostitution, while king Trdat extolls the: "great Lady Anahit, the glory of our nation and vivifier . . .; mother of all chastity, and issue of the great and valiant Aramazd." Anahit-worship was established in Eriza, Armenia, Artashat and Ashtishat. A mountain in Sophene district was known as Anahit's throne ("Athor Anahta"). The entire district of Eriza, the Akilisene (Ekeghiats), was called "Anahtakan Gavar". .

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External links and references

* [] Vahagni Tsnunde Vishapakax
* [] Armenian Mythology from the Tour Armenia site.
* [] Armenian History site.

*This article incorporates text from [ "History of Armenia"] by Vahan M. Kurkjian, a publication in the public domain.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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