Aramazd — Dans le paganisme arménien, Aramazd est le père de tous les dieux et de toutes les déesses, le créateur du ciel et de la terre. Aramazd est responsable de la fertilité de la terre. La cérémonie en son honneur se nomme Am nor, ou Nouvelle Année,… … Wikipédia en Français
Aramazd Stepanian — Aramazd Stepanian(born October 11th 1951) is an Iranian Armenian actor, producer, director and playwright born in Tehran Iran. He left Tehran for Machester England at 18 and graduated from the university of Manchester with a Bachelor s Degree in… … Wikipedia
Aramazd mountains — Geobox | Range name = Aramazd Mountains native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country = Armenia country1 = state = state1 = region = region1 = district = district1 = city = city1 = unit = unit1 = border = border1 … Wikipedia
Ahura Mazda — Ormuzd redirects here. For the kingdom of Ohrmuzd, see Ormus. Hormazd redirects here. For the Sassanid rulers, see Hormizd. Mobed (right, with high crown) invests Ardashir I (left) with the ring of kingship. (Naqsh e Rustam, 3rd c. CE) Ahura… … Wikipedia
Nane (goddess) — Nane[1] (Armenian: Նանե; Bulgarian: Нане; Russian: Нанэ) or the Great Mother Goddess was a pagan Armenian goddess of war, motherhood, and wisdom. Contents 1 Nane’s relations to other Armenian pagan gods and goddesses 2 Appearance of the goddess… … Wikipedia
Список вулканов Ио — Этот список включает в себя все вулканы на Ио. Все названия одобрены и используются МАС. Для малых вулканов используется термин tholus. Названия вулканов на Ио являются комбинациями назван … Википедия
Armenian rock — Rock n roll, as a musical genre, originated in the United States and was adopted and developed through the efforts of musicians from various ethnicities and countries, Armenia being one. Rock was greatly restricted for most of the period Armenia… … Wikipedia
Armenian mythology — Very little is known about pre Christian Armenian mythology, the oldest source being the legends of Xorenatsi s History .Armenian mythology was strongly influenced by Zoroastrianism, with deities such as Aramazd, Mihr or Anahit, as well as… … Wikipedia
Anahit — was the goddess of fertility and birth (analog to Aphrodite), beauty and water in Armenian mythology. In early periods she was the goddess of war. By the 1st century BC she was the main deity in Armenia along with Mithras. The historian Berossus… … Wikipedia
Astghik — Symbolized by skylight and wife or lover of Vahagn, Astghik , [cite web|title= Armenian Mythology from the Tour Armenia site|url= no=2| format = HTML] or Astlik , [cite web|title= Encyclopedia Mythica… … Wikipedia