- Lantana
name = "Lantana"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Wild-type Spanish Flag "Lantana camara "
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Verbenaceae
genus = "Lantana"
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = About 150, see text"Lantana" is a
genus of about 150species of perennialflowering plant s, native to tropical regions of theAmericas ,Africa and existing as an imported plant in numerous areas, especially in theAustralia n-Pacific region. The genus includes bothherbaceous plants andshrub s growing to 0.5-2 m tall. Their common names are shrub verbenas or lantanas.Lantana's aromatic
flower clusters (calledumbels ) are a mix of red, orange, yellow, or blue and whitefloret s. Other colors exist as new varieties are being selected. The flowers typically change color as they mature, resulting ininflorescence s that are two- or three-colored."Wild lantanas" are plants of the unrelated genus "Abronia", usually called "sand-verbenas".
Some species are invasive, and are considered to be
noxious weed s, such as inSouth Asia ,Southern Africa andAustralia . In theUnited States , lantanas are naturalized in the southeast, especially coastal regions ofthe Carolinas , Georgia,Florida , and the Gulf Coast where it is often known as "bacon and eggs".Fact|date=September 2008The spread of lantana is aided by the characteristic of their leaves, which are somewhat poisonous to most animals, while their fruit is a delicacy for many
bird s which distribute the seeds. Birds like theYellow-fronted White-eye ofVanuatu , theSuperb Fairy-wren in Australia, or theMauritius Bulbul in theMascarenes thus unwittingly contribute to the degradation of their homeecosystem .Fact|date=December 2007Biological control of introduced lantanas has been attempted, without robust success. In Australia, about 30 insects have been introduced in an attempt to control the spread of lantanas, and this has caused problems of its own. TheLantana Bug ("Aconophora compressa ") for example is a polyphagous species introduced in 1995 that feeds on dozens of plants, and not only has it failed to have a noticeable impact on the lantana population, it has even become a pest in horticulture, parasitizing the related fiddlewoods ("Citharexylum "). The small "Lantana"-feedingmoth s "Epinotia lantana " and "Lantanophaga pusillidactyla ", while not becoming pests, have nonetheless failed to stem the spread of the invasive weed, as has theLantana Scrub-hairstreak butterfly ("Strymon bazochii ") which was introduced to control lantanas on theHawaiian Islands .Other
Lepidoptera whosecaterpillar s feed on "Lantana" species include theCommon Splendid Ghost Moth ("Aenetus ligniveren "), "Aenetus scotti ", "Endoclita malabaricus ", "Hypercompe orsa " and theSetaceous Hebrew Character ("Xestia c-nigrum"). TheSwamp Wallaby ("Wallabia bicolor") is one of the fewmammal s that eat "Lantana" leaves without apparent ill effect.As a positive aspect, lantanas are useful as
honey plant s, and Spanish Flag ("L. camara"), "L. lilacina" and "L. trifolia" are sometimes planted for this purpose, or inbutterfly gardening . Butterflies which are attracted to lantana flowers are most notablyPapilioninae (swallowtail and birdwing butterflies).Hesperiidae (skippers) and certainbrush-footed butterflies (namelyDanainae andHeliconiinae ), as well as somePieridae (e.g.Cloudless Sulphur , "Phoebis sennae") andLycaenidae (e.g. the aforementionedLantana Scrub-hairstreak ), also like to visit the plants' flowers. Consequently, as total eradication of "Lantana" seems often impossible, it may in many cases be better to simply remove plants with immature (green) fruit to prevent them from spreading.Some
weaverbird s, e.g. theBlack-throated Weaver ("Ploceus benghalensis") and theStreaked Weaver ("P. manyar"), highly value "Lantana" flowers for decorating their nests. An ability to procure spectacular and innovative decorations appears to be desired by females, and consequently is an indicator of the males' fitness."
Ceratobasidium cornigerum " is a higher fungus which parasitizes "Lantana" among other plants. TheSweet Potato Whitefly ("Bemisia tabaci") is a commongreenhouse pest and is often distributed with infested lantanas.Use by humans
"Lantana" species are widely cultivated for their flowers in tropical and subtropical environments and (as an
annual plant ) intemperate climates.Most of the plants sold as lantana are either Spanish Flag ("L. camara"),
Trailing Lantana ("L. montevidensis", or hybrids between the two. "L. camara" is the most common species in cultivation. Numerouscultivar s of this species exist, including 'Irene', 'Christine' and 'Dallas Red' (all tall-growing cultivars) and several recently introduced shorter ones. The shorter cultivars may flower more prolifically than the taller ones. "L. montevidensis" gives blue (or white) flowers all year round. Its foliage is dark green and has a distinct odor.Though lantanas are generally hardy and, being somewhat toxic, usually rejected by
herbivore s, they may still become infested with pests, though pest controlinsecticidal soap s are harmful to these plants.Lantana berries are edible when ripe [Herzog "et al." (1996), Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge & Libreros Ferla (2000), TAMREC (2000)] though like many fruit are mildly
poison ous if eaten while still green.Though the stems even of larger Lantanas are thin, the
wood is very tough and durable and thus useful for varioushandicraft s such aswickerwork . TheSoliga ofKarnataka (India ) are nowadays utilizing "Lantana" in their wickercraft. The plant is an invasive weed there, and has displaced much of thebamboo which formerly was the preferred material for Soliga artisans. By selectively harvesting lantanas for their craft, they are again able to make a living, as well as assisting the recovery of the native ecosystem and reducing the risk offorest fire s. [Pandey (2007)]Species
* "
Lantana camara " (syn. "L. aculeata", "L. armata") – Spanish Flag, "bahô-bahô; utot-utot; koronitas; kantutay" (Philippines )
* "Lantana involucrata "
** "Lantana involucrata" var. "socorrensis"
* "Lantana lilacina "Desf.
* "Lantana microphylla " L.
* "Lantana montevidensis " –Trailing Lantana , Weeping Lantana, Creeping Lantana, Small Lantana, Purple Lantana, Trailing Shrubverbena
* "Lantana pastazensis "
* "Lantana rugosa "
* "Lantana rugulosa "
* "Lantana tiliifolia "
* "Lantana trifolia " L.
* "Lantana urticoides " –Texas Lantana
* "Lantana velutina " Mart. & Gal. –Velvet Lantana Gallery
* (2000) Fruits from America - An ethnobotanical inventory: [http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/ipgri/fruits_from_americas/frutales/species%20Lantana.htm "Lantana"] . Retrieved 2007-NOV-17.
* (1996): Uncultivated plants for human nutrition in Côte d'Ivoire. "In:" aut|Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): "Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems". [http://www.fao.org/docrep/w3735e/w3735e10.htm PDF fulltext]
* (2007): [http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=124778 Lantana: A friendly weed] . Merinews, 2007-APR-16.
* (2000): Native Plants of South Texas - [http://uvalde.tamu.edu/herbarium/lave.htm Velvet Lantana] . Retrieved 2007-NOV-17.
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