- MPrime
name = MPrime
developer =George Woltman
latest_release_version = 24.14
latest_release_date =August 9 ,2005 [ [http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm Free Software ] ]
latest_preview_version = 25.6
latest_preview_date =December 22 ,2007 [ [http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=9779 Prime95 version 25.6 - mersenneforum.org ] ]
operating_system =Cross-platform
genre =Mersenne prime finder / System stability tester /Integer factorization
website = [http://www.mersenne.org/ http://www.mersenne.org/]MPrime is the name of the
Linux andBSD software application written byGeorge Woltman thatGIMPS , adistributed computing project researchingMersenne prime numbers, uses. It is entirely console based, with no requirement for X or any other graphical sub-system. MPrime is freely available in both binary [http://mersenne.org/freesoft.htm] and source code [http://mersenne.org/source.htm] form.There is also a Windows-based version called
Prime95 .The software is principally designed to test primality of Mersenne numbers, but can also apply several
integer factorization algorithms (Elliptic curve method ,P minus 1 ,...) to any number of the form "k bn+c" ( [http://www.mersenne.org/whatsnew.txt as of v.24.6] ).Although not what MPrime was specifically designed for, it is also very efficient and widely used to test system stability via a "torture test" of processor and system memory.
A system capable of sustaining more than 24 hours of MPrime "torture" is often referred to as "prime stable". Such a system is highly likely to be stable under all conditions.Fact|date=June 2007
See also
Distributed computing
*Prime95 References
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