cp=4th century
c=5th century
cf=6th century



By Place

Western Roman Empire

* Julius Nepos becomes western Roman Emperor, deposing Glycerius.

Eastern Roman Empire

* January 18Leo II briefly becomes emperor.
* February 9Zeno is crowned as co-emperor.
* November 17 — The death of Leo II leaves Zeno sole Emperor of the Eastern Empire; his mother-in-law Verina conspires against him.
* Forty-five years of conflict between the Roman Empire and the Vandals ends, when the eastern Roman Emperor Zeno's envoys conclude a peace with King Geiseric.


* Anthemius of Tralles, mathematician (approximate date)
* Magnus Felix Ennodius, bishop and Latin poet (approximate date)


* January 18 — Leo I, Eastern Roman Emperor
* November 17Leo II, Eastern Roman Emperor
* Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths

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