cp=4th century
c=5th century
cf=6th century



By place

Western Roman Empire

* 28 AugustFlavius Orestes forces western Julius Nepos to flee and declares his son, Romulus Augustus, to be emperor.
* Euric, king of the Visigoths, returns Provence to Rome in exchange for full independence.

Eastern Roman Empire

* 9 JanuaryByzantine Emperor Zeno is forced to flee from Constantinople.
* 12 JanuaryBasiliscus is acclaimed emperor in Constantinople.
* 9 April — Basiliscus issues a circular letter ("Enkyklikon") to the bishops of his empire, supporting the Monophysiste christological position.


* Bodhidharma travels to China (approximate date).
* Gongju becomes the capital of Baekje, after Baekje loses the Han River valley to Goguryeo.

By Topic


* The compilation of the Babylonian Talmud, the source of the majority of Jewish Halakha, is completed.


* Clotilde, Burgundian princess
* Ita, Irish nun


* King Gaero of Baekje, king of the Baekje Kingdom of Korea

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