

Infobox Language
nativename=Romanesco - Romano
speakers= ~2.000.000
fam7=Italiano centrale
iso2= |iso3=

Romanesco is a Romance language spoken in Rome, Italy. It is one of the Central Italian dialects, and considered close to Tuscan and Italian.

There are notable grammatical and idiomatic differences. Rich in expressions and sayings, Romanesco is used informally by most natives of Rome.



Originally Romanesco was spoken only inside the walls of the city of Rome, while the little towns surrounding the "Eternal City" had their own dialects; nowadays these dialects have almost disappeared and they have been replaced with a kind of Romanesco, which therefore is now spoken in an area larger than the original one.

Noteworthy figures

In fact today, Romanesco can be considered more of a regional idiom than a true language or dialect. Classical Romanesco, that made popular by Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, is in the process of disappearing.

Romano Proper, spoken in the city of Rome and the immediate surrounding areas, is somewhat different from the rest of the Romanesco dialects.

External forces such as immigration and the dominance of Italian are playing a role in the transformation.

"Ma nun c'è lingua come la romana"

"Pe' una cosa co' ttanto divario"

"Che ppare un magazzino de dogana."

"Le lingue der monno"

- G.G. Belli

"But there is no language like the one of Rome"

"To express a concept with so many variants"

"So that it seems a customs warehouse."

"Languages of the world"

- G.G. Belli

External links

* [ A description of the Roman dialect] [ alternate URL]

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