- Pholidae
image_caption =Crescent gunnel , "Pholis laeta"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Perciformes
familia = Pholidae
familia_authority = Gill, 1893
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Apodichthys " "Pholis " "Rhodymenichthys " See text for species.The gunnels are a family, Pholidae, of fishes in the orderPerciformes .They are elongated fishes native to the coasts of the northern
Atlantic ,Pacific andArctic Ocean s, where they inhabit intertidal and subtidal waters and eatcrustacean s andmollusk s.pecies
There are fifteen species in three genera.
* Genus "Apodichthys " Girard, 1854
**Penpoint gunnel , "Apodichthys flavidus " Girard, 1854.
**Rockweed gunnel , "Apodichthys fucorum " Jordan & Gilbert, 1880.
**Kelp gunnel , "Apodichthys sanctaerosae " (Gilbert & Starks, 1897).
* Genus "Pholis " Scopoli, 1777
**Longfin gunnel , "Pholis clemensi " Rosenblatt, 1964.
** "Pholis crassispina " (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845).
** "Pholis fangi " (Wang & Wang, 1935).
**Banded gunnel , "Pholis fasciata " (Bloch & Schneider, 1801).
**Rock gunnel , "Pholis gunnellus " (Linnaeus, 1758).
**Crescent gunnel , "Pholis laeta " (Cope, 1873).
** "Pholis nea " Peden & Hughes, 1984.
**Tidepool gunnel , "Pholis nebulosa " (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845).
**Saddleback gunnel , "Pholis ornata " (Girard, 1854).
** "Pholis picta " (Kner, 1868).
**Red gunnel , "Pholis schultzi " Schultz, 1931.
* Genus "Rhodymenichthys " Jordan and Evermann, 1896
**Stippled gunnel , "Rhodymenichthys dolichogaster " (Pallas, 1814).References
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