cp=4th century
c=5th century
cf=6th century



By Place


* The human population reaches 206 million.

Byzantine Empire

* Arcadius sends many gifts to the Hunnish chieftain Uldin in appreciation of his victory over the Goths and Gainas. Arcadius then allies himself with the Huns.

Western Roman Empire

* The Visigoths begin to attack the northernmost reaches of Italy, causing destruction in the countryside.
* Roman general Stilicho leads an extensive campaign against the Vandals in Rhaetia.


* Kumarajiva arrives in Changan.

By Topic


* December 22Pope Innocent I succeeds Pope Anastasius I as the 40th pope.
* Innocent proclaims his universal power over the whole of Christendom.
* The Mahabharata is finalised.


* Theodosius II, East Roman Emperor (d. 450)
* Aelia Eudocia, wife of Theodosius II
* Leo I, East Roman Emperor


* December 19Pope Anastasius I
* Duan Ye
* Zuan
* Murong Sheng
* Empress Yang

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