Gaius Marcius Rutilus

Gaius Marcius Rutilus

Gaius Marcius Rutilus (also seen as "Rutulus") was the first plebeian dictator and censor of ancient Rome, and consul four times.

He was first elected consul in 357 BC, then appointed as dictator the following year in order to deal with an invasion by the Etruscans. He surprised the enemy's camp and drove them out of Roman territory, for which he was granted a triumph by the people, against the Senate's wishes.

Rutilus was again elected consul in 352. At the end of his term, he ran for censor and won, despite patrician opposition. He was also consul in 344 and 342, when he led the army in the Samnite Wars.

His son of the same name was consul in 310.

There is a strong possibility that the dictatorship and other details were fabricated by the Marcian clan.


* Livy (bk. 7)

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