- 1124
March 26 —Henry I of England 's forces defeat Norman rebels at Bourgtheroulde.
*April 27 — David I succeeds Alexander I to become King ofScotland .
*December 21 —Pope Honorius II succeedsPope Calixtus II as the 163rdpope .
* Gaufrid is consecrated as the first Abbot ofDunfermline Abbey .
* The Dun Beal Gallimhe is erected by KingTairrdelbach mac Ruaidri Ua Conchobair of Connacht.
* InIreland ,St. Malachy , the great reformer of the Church, is made abishop .North America
* Arnald becomes the first Bishop of
Greenland .Middle East
July 7 - Tyre falls to theCrusade rs.Births
* Margrave
Ottokar III of Styria Deaths
February 2 — DukeBorivoj II of Bohemia
*March 15 —Ernulf ,Bishop of Rochester (b. c.1040 )
*April 23 — KingAlexander I of Scotland
*December 13 —Pope Callixtus II
*Guibert of Nogent , French historian and theologian (b.1053 )
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