IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation

IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation

The IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) is one of the largest and most important conferences within Evolutionary computation (EC), the other conferences of similar importance being Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) and Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN).

CEC, which is organized by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society in cooperation with the Evolutionary Programming Society, covers most subtopics of EC, such as Evolutionary robotics, Multiobjective optimization, Evolvable hardware, Theory of evolutionary computation, Evolutionary design etc. Papers can also be found that deal with topics which are related to rather than part of EC, such Ant colony optimization, Swarm intelligence and Quantum computing.

The conference usually attracts several hundreds of attendees, as well as hundreds of papers.

External links

*CEC 2010, Spain
* [ CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway]
* [ CEC 2008, Hong Kong] (part of WCCI)
* [ CEC 2007, Singapore]
* [ CEC 2006, Vancouver] (part of WCCI)
* [ CEC 2005, Edinburgh]
*CEC 2004, Portland, OR
* [ CEC 2003, Canberra]
* [ CEC 2002, Hawaii] (part of WCCI)
* [ CEC 2001, Korea]
*CEC 2000, San Diego, CA
* [ CEC 1999, Washington DC]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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