Moira Redmond

Moira Redmond
Moira Redmond
Born 14 July 1928(1928-07-14)
Bognor Regis, England, United Kingdom
Died 16 March 2006(2006-03-16) (aged 77)
London, England, United Kingdom
Spouse Anthony Hughes
Herbert Wise (1962 - 1972)

Moira Redmond (14 July 1928 – 16 March 2006) was a British actress.

She was born in Bognor Regis, England, the daughter of the actress Molly Redmond and her husband who was a stage manager. Moira's parents separated when she was a child, so she was raised by an aunt and a grandmother.

As a young actress, she joined the Windmill Girls (recently evoked in the film Mrs Henderson Presents) who performed non-stop revues and nude tableux at the Windmill Theatre in the West End. Several years later, she married her first husband and emigrated to Australia, but the marriage did not endure so she returned to Britain determined to make her name as an actress.

She made her stage debut as an understudy to Vivien Leigh in Peter Brook's revival of Titus Andronicus with Laurence Olivier. In July of that year, she made her London debut at the Stoll in the same production.

In 1958, she made her film debut in a thriller, entitled Violent Moment (1958), which was followed by several more roles in the films Doctor in Love (1960), A Shot in the Dark (1964) and several B-movie thrillers.

Meanwhile her theatrical career had taken off with roles in Verdict (Strand), in which she played Helen Rollander; Detour After Dark (Fortune Theatre), Horizontal Hold (Comedy Theatre); Patrick Peace Hotel (Queens); The Winter's Tale (Cambridge Theatre) and 'Flint (Comedy Theatre).

She was also a founder member of the Actors' Company with Ian McKellen. She played at the Edinburgh Festival as Helen of Troy in The Trojan Women with Flora Robson, and as Hermione in The Winter's Tale with Laurence Harvey.

Throughout the 1960s she appeared in London and the provinces in the plays of Alan Ayckbourn; she was also Lady Sheerwell in Jonathan Miller's revival of Sheridan's The School for Scandal; Maria in Twelfth Night; Mrs Wickstead in Habeas Corpus; Brand's mother in Brand; and Jocasta in Stephen Spender's trilogy Oedipus. She later toured South America for the British Council in revivals of Habeas Corpus and Shaw's Heartbreak House (as Hesione). Television appearances in the 1960s included Danger Man among others.

By the 1970s she was increasingly in demand for television series, her theatrical training earning her roles in some of the best known television dramas of the period, including Edward the Seventh (playing Edward's mistress Alice Keppel); I, Claudius (in which she played Domitia, Claudius's mother-in-law); and Boswell's London Journey. She also appeared in The Alleyn Mysteries; Dixon of Dock Green, The Avengers and The Sweeney.

She was twice married and divorced: firstly to Anthony Hughes and secondly to Herbert Wise (1962–1972). She had no children.

She died from a heart attack in a south east London nursing home, aged 77. She had been suffering from senile dementia for several years.

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