List of ancient monuments in Rome

List of ancient monuments in Rome

This is a list of ancient monuments in the city of Rome, Italy.



* Amphitheatre of Caligula
* Amphitheatrum Castrense
* Colosseum
* Amphitheatre of Nero
* Amphitheater of Statilius Taurus


* Baths of Agrippa
* Baths of Caracalla
* Baths of Commodus
* Baths of Constantine
* Baths of Decius
* Baths of Diocletian
* Baths of Domitian
* Baths of Licinius Sura
* Baths of Nero and Alexander
* Baths of Septimius Severus
* Baths of Titus
* Baths of Trajan


* Circus Flaminius
* Circus Maximus
* Circus of Maxentius
* Circus of Nero
* Circus Varianus


* Horti Aciliorum
* Horti Agrippinae
* Horti Caesaris
* Horti Domitiae
* Horti Lamiani
* Horti Liciniani
* Horti Lolliani
* Gardens of Lucullus
* Gardens of Maecenas
* Horti Pompeiani
* Gardens of Sallust
* Horti Tauriani


* Porticus Aemilia
* Porticus Deorum Consentium
* Porticus of Livia
* Porticus Octavia
* Porticus Octaviae
* Porticus Vipsania


* Theatre of Balbus
* Theatre of Marcellus
* Theatre of Pompey


* Ludus Magnus
* Odeum of Domitian
* Saepta Julia
* Septizodium
* Stadium of Domitian

Economy and Politics


* Basilica Aemilia
* Basilica Argentaria
* Basilica Fulvia
* Basilica Julia
* Basilica of Junius Bassus
* Basilica of Maxentius
* Basilica of Neptune
* Basilica Opimia
* Basilica Porcia
* Basilica Sempronia
* Basilica Ulpia


Forum Romanum

* Forum Romanum
** Curia Julia
** Comitium
** Lacus Curtius
** Puteal Scribonianum
** Regia
** Rostra
** Tabularium

=Imperial forums=

* Forum of Augustus
* Forum of Caesar
* Forum of Nerva
* Forum of Peace
* Trajan's Forum

=Fora venalia=

* Forum Boarium
* Forum Holitorium
* Forum Piscarium
* Forum Pistorium
* Forum Suarium
* Forum Vinarium


* Trajan's Market


* Domus Aurea
* Flavian Palace
* Palace of Augustus
* Palace of Tiberius


* Macellum Liviae



* Anio Novus
* Anio Vetus
* Aqua Alexandriana
* Aqua Alsietina
* Aqua Appia
* Aqua Augusta
* Aqua Claudia
* Aqua Julia
* Aqua Marcia
* Aqua Martia
* Aqua Tepula
* Aqua Traiana
* Aqua Virgo


* Pons Aelius
* Pons Aemilius
* Pons Agrippae
* Pons Aurelius
* Pons Cestius
* Pons Fabricius
* Pons Milvius
* Pons Neronianus
* Pons Probi
* Pons Sublicius


* Catacombs of Rome
* Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas
* Esquiline Necropolis


* Meta Sudans


* Praetorian barracks


* Alta Semita
* Argiletum
* Clivus Palatinus
* Via Appia
* Via Ardeatina
* Via Asinaria
* Via Aurelia
* Via Cornelia
* Via Flaminia
* Via Latina
* Via Lata
* Via Lavinia
* Via Ostiensis
* Via Portuensis
* Via Sacra
* Via Salaria
* Via Tiburtina
* Vicus Jugarius
* Vicus Tuscus


* Cloaca Maxima

Walls and gates

* Wall of Romulus
* Servian Wall
** Porta Caelimontana
** Porta Capena
** Porta Carmentalis
** Porta Collina
** Porta Esquilina
** Porta Flumentana
** Porta Fontinalis
** Porta Lavernalis
** Porta Naevia
** Porta Querquetulana
** Porta Quirinalis
** Porta Raudusculana
** Porta Salutaris
** Porta Sanqualis
** Porta Trigemina
** Porta Viminalis
* Aurelian Walls
** Porta Appia
** Porta Ardeatina
** Porta Asinaria
** Porta Aurelia Pancraziana
** Porta Aurelia-Sancti Petri
** Porta Clausa
** Porta Flaminia
** Porta Latina
** Porta Praenestina
** Porta Metronia
** Porta Nomentana
** Porta Ostiensis
** Porta Pinciana
** Porta Praetoriana
** Porta Principalis Dextera
** Porta Portuensis
** Porta Salaria
** Porta Septimiana
** Porta Tiburtina


Triumphal arches

* Arcus Argentariorum
* Arch of Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius
* Arch of Augustus
* Arch of Claudius (British victory)
* Arches of Claudius
* Arch of Constantine
* Arch of Dolabella and Silanus
* Arch of Drusus
* Arch of Drusus and Germanicus
* Arch of Gallienus
* Arch of Gratian, Valentinian and Theodosius
* Arch of Janus
* Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus
* Arch of Marcus Aurelius
* Arch of Nero
* Arch of Octavius
* Arch of Pietas
* Arch of Septimius Severus
* Arch of Tiberius
* Arch of Titus (Circus Maximus)
* Arch of Titus (Roman Forum)


* Column of Antoninus Pius
* Column of Marcus Aurelius
* Column of Phocas
* Decennalia
* Trajan's Column


* Colossus of Constantine
* Colossus of Nero


* Pyramid of Cestius
* Tomb of Caecilia Metella
* Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker
* Tomb of Geta
* Tomb of the Scipios


* Mausoleum of Augustus
* Mausoleum of Hadrian
* Mausoleum of Helena
* Mausoleum of Maxentius



* Altar of Augustan Peace
* Altar of Consus
* Altar of Dis Pater and Proserpine
* Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus
* Altar of Victory
* Great Altar of Hercules

Early churches

* Basilica di San Clemente
* Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
* Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
* Basilica of St. John Lateran
** Lateran Baptistery
* Old St. Peter's Basilica
* San Sebastiano fuori le mura
* San Pietro in Vincoli
* Santa Costanza
* Santa Pudenziana
* Santa Sabina


Aventine Hill

* Temple of Bona Dea
* Temple of Ceres
* Temple of Diana Aventina
* Temple of Juno Regina
* Temple of Luna
* Temple of Minerva

Caelian Hill

* Temple of Claudius

Capitoline Hill

* Temple of Jupiter Custos
* Temple of Jupiter Feretrius
* Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
* Temple of Jupiter Tonans
* Temple of Juno Moneta
* Temple of Ops
* Temple of Veiovis

Campus Martius

* Pantheon
* Temple of Apollo Sosianus
* Temple of Bellona
* Temple of Castor and Pollux
* Temple of Diana (Rome)
* Temple of Feronia
* Temple of Fortuna Equestris
* Temple of Hadrian
* Temple of Hercules Custos
* Temple of Hercules Musarum
* Temple of Isis and Serapis
* Temple of Juno Regina
* Temple of Jupiter Stator
* Temple of Juturna
* Temple of Laren
* Temple of Mars
* Temple of Minerva Chalcidica
* Temple of Neptunus
* Temple of the Fortune of the present day
* Temple of the Nymphs
* Temple of Vulcanus

Esquiline Hill

* Temple of Juno Lucina
* Temple of Minerva Medica

Forum Boarium

* Temple of Hercules Pompeianus
* Temple of Hercules Victor
* Temple of Fortuna
* Temple of Mater Matuta
* Temple of Portunus
* Temple of Pudicitia Patricia

Forum Holitorium

* Temple of Janus
* Temple of Juno Sospita
* Temple of Piety
* Temple of Spes
* Temple of Victoria

Forum Romanum

* Lacus Juturnae
* Lapis Niger
* Shrine of Venus Cloacina
* Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
* Temple of Caesar
* Temple of Castor and Pollux
* Temple of Concord
* Temple of Divus Augustus
* Temple of Janus
* Temple of Jupiter Stator (8th century BC)
* Temple of Saturn
* Temple of Romulus
* Temple of Venus and Roma
* Temple of Vespasian and Titus
* Temple of Vesta
** House of the Vestals

Imperial fora

* Temple of Mars Ultor
* Temple of Minerva
* Temple of Trajan
* Temple of the Peace
* Temple of Venus Genetrix

Palatine Hill

* Elagabalium
* Temple of Apollo Palatinus
* Temple of Cybele
* Temple of Juno Sospita
* Temple of Victory

Quirinal Hill

* Temple of the Flavia gens
* Temple of Quirinus
* Temple of Serapis

Tiber Island

* Temple of Asclepius
* Temple of Faunus

External links

* [ ROME] at LacusCurtius

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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