- 1284
War and politics
* King
Charles II of Naples is captured in a naval battle offNaples byRoger of Lauria , admiral to KingPeter III of Aragon .
* TheStatute of Rhuddlan is created, formally incorporatingWales intoEngland in the entityEngland and Wales .
* Battle of Meloria: The Italiancity-state ofGenoa defeats its rivalPisa , ending Pisa's marine power and hastening the city's decline in power.
* KingStefan Dragutin ofSerbia receivesBelgrade ,Syrmia , and other territories fromHungary , when his son marries the king of Hungary's cousin.
*Mamluk sultan ofEgypt Qalawun signs a 10-year truce with the Crusader city ofAcre ; he will violate the truce on pretexts in1290 .
* The MongolGolden Horde , led byNogai Khan , attacksHungary a second time.
* The Kingdom of Germany imposes atrade embargo onNorway , due to the latter pillaging a German ship. The embargo cuts off vital supplies of grain, flour, vegetables and beer, causing a general famine. [http://eh.net/Clio/Conferences/ASSA/Jan_92/Greif,%20Milgrom,%20Winegast%20Abstra]Culture
* The German city of
Hamburg is destroyed by a fire.
* Peterhouse, the oldest college at theUniversity of Cambridge , is founded byHugo de Balsham .
* TheRepublic of Venice begins coining theducat , agold coin that is to become the standard ofEurope an coinage for the following 600 years.
* Construction on theCathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais is interrupted by a partial collapse of the choir; the event unnerves French masons working in the Gothic style.
*Jean de Meun translatesVegetius '4th century military treatise "De Re Militari " from Latin into French.Births
April 25 - KingEdward II of England (d.1327 )
*John I, Count of Holland (d.1299 )
* CountEdward of Savoy (d.1329 )Deaths
March 24 -Hugh III of Cyprus
*April 4 - KingAlfonso X of Castile (b.1221 )
*August 19 -Alphonso, Earl of Chester , son ofEdward I of England (b.1273 )
*Siger of Brabant , Flemish theologian
*Adelaide of Holland , regent of Holland
*Tekuder , Khan of the Mongol Empire
*Hōjō Tokimune , regent of Japan (b.1251 )In legend
June 26 - According to legend, thePied Piper of Hamelin visits the German town ofHamelin and leads 130 children to their deaths, as told in the tales of theBrothers Grimm and many others.Computing
IEEE 1284 - The infamous parallel port
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