

Pinko is a derogatory term for a person regarded as sympathetic to Communism, though not necessarily a Communist Party member. The term has its origins in the notion that "pink" is a lighter shade of "red," the color associated with communism; thus "pink" could be thought of as a "lighter form of communism" promoted by mere supporters of socialism who weren't, themselves, "card-carrying" communists.



The word "pinko" was coined by "Time" magazine in 1926 as a variant on the noun and adjective "pink", which had been used along with "parlor pink" since the beginning of the 20th century to refer to those of leftish sympathies, usually with an implication of "effeteness". [Joseph J. Firebaugh, "The Vocabulary of 'Time' Magazine", "American Speech", 15, 3, October, 1940.] In the 1920s, for example, a "Wall Street Journal" editorial described supporters of the progressive politician Robert La Follette asvisionaries, neer do wells, parlor pinks, reds, hyphenates [Americans with divided allegiance] , soft handed agriculturalists and working men who have never seen a shovel.” ["Mirrors of Washington", "The Wall Street Journal", September 26, 1924.]

"Pinko" and "pink" were widely used during the Cold War to label individuals accused of supporting the Soviet Union, including many supporters of ex-vice president Henry Wallace's 1948 U.S. presidential campaign with the Progressive Party. The word was predominantly used in the United States, where opposition to Communism grew strong among the population, especially during the McCarthy era. It was also in common use in South Africa during the apartheid era. In his two presidential campaigns, Alabama governor George Wallace often railed at "the left-wing pinko press" and at "pseudo-pinko-intellectuals." ["Wallace Campaign Aims at McCarthy Elements", "Washington Post", March 23, 1964.] ["The Wallace Challenge -- and Opportunity", "The Wall Street Journal", March 13, 1972.]

Some of the most infamous uses of the term "pink" came during future president Richard Nixon's 1950 Senate campaign against Helen Gahagan Douglas: "She's pink right down to her underwear!" — a play on the fact that, at the time, pink was the usual color of women's undergarments. Nixon regularly referred to her as "the Pink Lady", and his campaign distributed political flyers printed on sheets of pink paper.

Popular culture

One of the most famous uses of the term in popular culture was the ironic use by Charlie Daniels in his breakthrough 1972 hit "Uneasy Rider." The dope-running hippie narrator is stuck with a flat tire in Jackson, Mississippi. Attempting to avoid a beatdown by the locals, he attempts to deflect attention to one of the locals by accusing him of being "a friend of them long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags" sent by the FBI to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.

Archie Bunker, the patriarch of the Bunker family in the 1970s sitcom "All in the Family" often derisively used the term 'pinko' when referring to his liberal son-in-law Michael "Meathead" Stivic or Michael's friends.

Recently, the term was used repeatedly on the television series "John Safran vs God" when Safran is referring to his target demographic. Safran is likely to have intentionally referenced Daniels' "Uneasy Rider", and notably Safran had on a previous episode infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan.

[ Pinko Mag] is an online magazine, the Journal of Conscientious Hedonism.

ee also

*Fellow traveler
*Useful idiot
*Political colour
*Red Scare


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  • pinko — 1936, derogatory slang form of PINK (Cf. pink) (n., adj.), used of people whose social or political views have a tendency toward red; a metaphor that had existed since at least 1837 …   Etymology dictionary

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