Seconda pratica

Seconda pratica

Seconda pratica, literally "second practice", is the counterpart to prima pratica and is more commonly referred to as Stile moderno. The term "Seconda pratica" was coined by Claudio Monteverdi to distance his music from that of e.g. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Gioseffo Zarlino and describes early music of the Baroque period which encouraged more freedom from the rigorous limitations of dissonances and counterpoint characteristic of the prima pratica.

"Stile moderno" was coined as an expression by Giulio Caccini in his 1602 work "Le nuove musiche" which contained numerous monodies. New for Caccini's songs were that the accompaniment was completely submissive in contrast to the lyric; hence, more precisely, Caccini's Stile moderno-monodies has ornamentations spelled out in the score, which earlier had been up to the performer to supply. Also this marks the starting point of basso continuo which also was a feature in Caccini's work.


* cite web
last = Foxon
first = Tom
date = 2004
url =
title = "Explain what Monteverdi meant by seconda pratica and show how this 'second practice' is reflected in three of his madrigals"
format = PDF
publisher = Musical Resources
accessdate = 2006-11-08

* cite web
last = Hanning
first = Barbara Russano
url =
title = "General characteristics of Baroque Music"
work = Chronology Baroque
publisher =
accessdate = 2006-11-08

** Excerpted from cite book
last = Hanning
first = Barbara Russano
title = Concise History of Western Music
edition = 1st edition
year = 1998
publisher = W.W. Norton
location = New York
language =
id = ISBN 0-393-97168-6

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