Blue Bird of Paradise

Blue Bird of Paradise

name = Blue Bird of Paradise
status = VU | status_system = IUCN3.1
trend = down

image_width = 225px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Paradisaeidae
genus = "Paradisaea"
species = "P. rudolphi"
binomial = "Paradisaea rudolphi"
binomial_authority = (Finsch, 1885)
The Blue Bird of Paradise, "Paradisaea rudolphi", is a medium-sized, approximately 30cm long, black bird of paradise with a bluish-white bill, dark brown iris, grey legs, broken white eye-ring and bright blue wings. The male is adorned with violet blue and cinnamon flank plumes and two long ribbon-like tail feathers. The female has a chestnut brown below.

The Blue Bird of Paradise is endemic to Papua New Guinea. It is distributed to mountain forests of southeastern New Guinea.

The male is polygamous and performs a breathtaking courtship display. But unlike all other "Paradisaea" species, he performs solitary with attending female nearby.In display, the male hangs from a branch upside down. The black oval with red margin at the center of his chest is rhythmically enlarged and contracted. His violet blue plumes spread out in a fan, swaying its body back and forth while the central tail feathers form two impressive arches down to either side. Throughout his performance he vocalizes softly in a low but harsh vibrating voice.

Regarded by ornithologists as the loveliest of all birds, the Blue Bird of Paradise was discovered by Carl Hunstein in 1884. The scientific name commemorates the ill-fated Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria.

Due to ongoing habitat loss, limited range, small population size and hunting in some areas for its highly prized plumes, the rare Blue Bird of Paradise is classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It is listed on Appendix II of CITES.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is vulnerable

External links

* ARKive - [ images and movies of the Blue Bird of Paradise "(Paradisaea rudolphi)"]
* [ BirdLife Species Factsheet]
* [ IUCN Red List]


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